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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

With winter over and summer on its way, people are beginning
to plan exactly how they will spend the long, lazy days and
enjoy their favorite season. As usual, I have a few suggestions
for you:
EXERCISE:  This is easily accomplished without fuss while
mowing grass. Grass, as every one knows, grows one inch per
minute in the summer.  That means that if you run as fast as you
can while pushing the power mower in front of you, you can
finish the yard at least 30 minutes before it is tall enough to
mow again.
PICNICS:  Picnics are a wonderful way for the family to spend
time together in an unstructured manner.  If you do not have
time to prepare a picnic basket, feel free to stop at a fast food
place and grab a bag of burgers. Food just tastes better when
enjoyed in the fresh air.  The ants, bees, and flies also enjoy
eating outside where they can enjoy the food without hazardous
obstructions, and they don't eat very much.
PARKS:  Parks are a favorite way to enjoy the outdoors with a
variety of different activities.  There are often hiking trails
and playground equipment for the kids.  Be certain to pick up
a tube of lineament on the way home to ease the aches from
too much walking, band-aids for the kids knees, and some
ointment for mosquito bites.
VACATIONS:  Most people try to plan some time off work
during the summer season.  This gives a wonderful opportunity
to enjoy the traffic jams while trying to reach your destination.
Further more, you can spend a fortune to sleep and eat and see
numerous interesting sights, such as other tourists doing the
same thing. You will have an opportunity to visit destinations
far different than your home and to push, shove, and sweat with
SWIMMING:  This is a favorite activity for summer because it
keeps you cool during the heat and provides healthy activity
at the same time. Water activities can be great exercise and you
can have fun in the sun while getting a healthy tan.  If you do
not have a tan to show off, cover those white legs with a towel
and wear a jacket and sun hat and maybe no one will notice.
If you do this correctly, only your ankles and the back of your
neck will be sunburned.
COOKOUTS:  Different foods are more readily available in the
summer months, and a variety of foods can be prepared out of
doors. Cooking over a charcoal fire gives food a taste not
obtained with other types of cooking.  Be sure to watch the
food carefully, and keep your cell phone handy to summon the
fire department if the deck catches on fire. Don't worry about
the charred and dry meat, just slop on the barbecue sauce and
eat it anyhow.
CAMPING:  Many families enjoy getting back to basics by spending
time living in the great outdoors and enjoying getting back to
basics.  Spending the night outside is far more enjoyable,
however,  if it is not raining.  In the event of rain, we
recommend moving to a motel.  While this is more expensive
than camping, it is also much more comfortable than soggy
sleeping bags and squishy tennis shoes, which tend to spoil
the outdoor experience in a hurry. It also helps immensely
with keeping the raccoons out of your food..
SPORTS:  There are many summer sports that can be enjoyed
by individuals or as team activities.  If tennis, golf and
organized team sports no longer hold your interest, try
some of the more extreme sports such as rubber rafting and
bungee jumping.  You will have an experience to remember
and the hospital bill will be worth every penny.
And there you have it, suggestions for fun ways to spend your
summer at home, on the road, or at far away locations. Have fun!
And be sure to remember to send a postcard so we can see what
we missed while setting in front of the TV under the air
conditioner complaining about the heat.

"Today's Market Activity"
Helium was up. Feathers were down. Paper was stationary. Fluorescent tubing was dimmed in light trading. Knives were up sharply. Cows steered into a bull market.
Pencils lost a few points. Hiking equipment was trailing. Elevators rose, while escalators continued their slow decline. Weights were up in heavy trading.
Light switches were off. Mining equipment hit rock bottom. Diapers remain unchanged. Shipping lines stayed at an even keel. The market for raisins dried up.
Coca Cola fizzled. Caterpillar stock inched up a bit. Sun peaked at midday. Balloon prices were inflated. And, Scott Tissue touched a new bottom.
Invest wisely!
You are never fully dressed until you wear a smile.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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