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Sunday School Wednesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Sunday School    
The youth director had been trying for months to get the little boy down the street to come to church to be with his third grade Sunday school class.
Finally after talking to the boy and his mother for what seemed to be the hundredth time the boy finally agreed to go this next Sunday, which he did and seemed to enjoy all of the proceedings except as the baptismal service began he ran out the back door and ran all the way home.  His mother asked him why did he run home instead of riding with the youth minister.
The little boy answered, "Its all a racket, They get you there and let you make all those nice things and tell you great stories just to get you relaxed so they can drown you at the end of one of the services.

Police Humor   
As the man struggled to eliminate the sag in the eaves, some rotted wood gave way underneath him. He fell right through the hole in the roof, but managed to grab the edge of the eaves as he fell, catching himself.
Unfortunately, the sudden weight of the falling man caused the edge of the roof to completely tear loose from the rest of the house, resulting in the man falling twenty feet to the ground and getting pummelled with debris from the collapsed eaves.
A neighbor happened to witness this and hurried over to check on the man. He was alive, but badly hurt.
The paramedics were called and he was taken to the hospital in agony.
The man's injuries were serious enough hat he spent six weeks in the hospital recovering.
On his last day in the hospital, the police arrived and announced that he was under arrest for his activities six weeks earlier.
"What!?" exclaimed the man. "You're going to arrest me for falling off my own roof?"
"Oh no," replied the policeman. "We're arresting you for tearing off the edge of your roof without a permit... That's a clear case of illegal eavesdropping."

A teacher was explaining that the children of Israel built the temple,
the children of  Israel  crossed the Red Sea and the children of
Israel made sacrifices to God.
"Didn't the grownups do anything?" a small boy wondered out loud.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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