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Ten Minute Sermon

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Ten Minute Sermon 
A minister delivered a sermon in ten minutes one Sunday morning,
which was about half the usual length of his sermons. He
explained, "I regret to inform you that my dog, who is very fond
of eating paper, ate that portion of my sermon which I was unable
to deliver this morning."
After the service, a visitor from another church shook hands with
the preacher and said, "Pastor, if that dog of yours has any
puppies, I want to get one to give to my minister.

I wanted a haircut and phoned a salon early for an appointment
with a highly recommended stylist. I was told customers were taken
on a walk-in basis only.
On Saturday, I got there by 9 a.m., only to learn that it was that
hairdresser's day off. I drove to another salon, but it was booked
solid. Still another had no openings.
The situation seemed hopeless, so I went home. My husband greeted
me at the door. "That was fast," he said cheerfully. "Your hair
looks great!"

It Worked 
Pastor Dave tells us, "After a worship
service at the Baptist Church, a
mother with a fidgety seven-year old boy told how she
finally got her son to sit still and be quiet. About
halfway through the sermon, she leaned over and
whispered, 'If you don't be quiet, Pastor is
going to lose his place and will have to start his
sermon all over again!' It worked.
Have a Blessed Day 
Dave and Barbara 

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