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The Accident Friday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"The Accident"
Driving to the supermarket one day, a woman made a left
turn and was hit by an oncoming car.
The accident was her fault, and as we verified the accident
report, she saw to her horror that the other driver, who was
furious, lived a few houses from her.
Three months later, she saw her at a neighborhood barbecue.
"There's the woman from the accident," she told her husband.
"What should I say to her?"
His response was short and sweet. "Just go up and say, 'Nice
bumping into you again.'"
"Football Signals"
A three-year-old in the congregation regularly watched football games with his father. So much so, that he knew some of the signals the referee makes.
On a recent Sunday, as the pastor raised his hands high to offer a blessing, the child interrupted the service by shouting, "Touchdown!"
"Towel Misunderstanding"
One day a child at my four-year-old's Sunday school class told her classmates that she needed a 'damp towel.' Some of the other kids thought she said a naughty word and told on her.
The teacher stepped in to explain, "If your mommy asked you to bring her a damp towel, what does she want?"
A little girl blurted out, "She means she wants that towel right now!"
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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