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"The Dog named Mace" Tuesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Once again we are asking for Prayers for Niki and her family. Niki is not doing well and needs our prayers now more than ever.
"The Dog named Mace"

A mechanic who worked out of his home had a dog named Mace. Mace had a bad habit of eating all the grass in the mechanic's lawn, so
the mechanic had to keep Mace inside. The grass eventually became overgrown.

One day the mechanic was working on a car in his backyard and dropped his wrench losing it in the tall grass. He couldn't find it for the life of him, so he decided to call it a day.

That night, Mace escaped from the house and ate all the grass in the backyard. The next morning the mechanic went outside and saw his wrench glinting in the sunlight. Realizing what had happened he looked up to the heavens and proclaimed...
Are you ready for this?


He proclaimed:

"A grazing Mace, how sweet the hound, that saved a wrench for me!"

"Be All Right"

A lawyer asked a boy, who was a witness in court:
"Did anyone tell you what to say in court?"

"Yes, sir."

"I thought so! Who was it?"

"My father, sir."

"And what did he tell you?"

"He said the lawyers would try to get me all tangled
up, but if I stuck to the truth, I would be all right."

"Mr. Smith's Place"

Little Susan was mother's helper.  She helped set the table
when company was due for dinner.  Presently everything was
on, the guest came in, and everyone sat down.  Then Mother
noticed something was missing.

"Susan," she said, "you didn't put a knife and fork at Mr.
Smith's place."

"I thought he wouldn't need them," explained Susan.  "Daddy
says he always eats like a horse!"

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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