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The Duck

Posted by: clean-hewmor <clean-hewmor@...>

The Duck

A duck walked into a pharmacy. He asked the pharmacist "Do you have any

"No, but the grocery store two blocks down sells grapes." he replied.

The next day, the same duck walked into the same pharmacy and asked "Do
you have any grapes?"

"No, two blocks down on the right." replied the pharmacist somewhat

The third day, the same duck walked back into the same pharmacy and asked
the same question.

This time the pharmacist said "We don't sell grapes here. You have asked
for grapes now for three days in a row. I have told you we don't sell them
here, this is a pharmacy not a grocery store. If you come back in here
tomorrow asking for grapes again, I am going to nail your little webbed
feet to the floor, NOW GET OUT OF HERE!"

The next day the same duck walks back into the same pharmacy, this time
with quite a bit of trepidation. He looked around and asked the pharmacist
"Do you have any nails?"

"No" replied the pharmacist.

"Well then... Do you have any grapes?"