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The Eagle Eyed Hunter

Posted by: <@...>

- The Eagle Eyed Hunter -

Two guys are out hunting deer.

The first guy says, "Did you see that?"

"No," the second guy says.

"Well, a bald eagle just flew overhead," the first guy says.

"Oh," says the second guy.

A couple of minutes later, The first guy says, "Did you see that?"

"See what?" the second guy asks.

"Are you blind? There was a big, black bear walking on that hill, over


A few minutes later the first guy says: "Did you see that?"

By now, the second guy is getting aggravated, so he decides to just go
along with him and says, "Yes, I did!"

And the first guy says: "Then why did you step in it?"


The Optional Vacation Package

A couple was relating their vacation experiences to a friend.

"It sounds as if you had a great time in Texas," the friend observed. But
didn't you tell me you were planning to visit Colorado?"

"Well," the husband said, "we changed our plans because, uh..."

His wife cut in, "Oh, tell the truth, Fred!"

He fell silent and she continued, "You know, it's just ridiculous. Fred
simply will not ask for directions."


I never suffered from any racism being Jewish. When I was a kid, once
another kid made a racial slur and I told my dad about it. I'll never forget
what my dad told me. He said, "Gregg, it doesn't matter what race you are or
the color of your skin. There will always be some people out there who aren't
gonna like you 'cause you're irritating." -- Gregg Rogell