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The Eye Test

Posted by: root <root@...>

The Eye Test
Young Jimmy had to go to the optician's to have
his eyes tested. During the test the optician
asked jimmy to put his right hand over his right
eye. This caused a certain amount of confusion
in the young boy. "Well Ok," said the optician.
"Put your left hand over your right eye." It
didn't help. Jimmy was getting more flustered by
the minute. "Put any hand over any eye," said
the optician in exasperation. With this Jimmy
became so totally confused that he froze in the

An idea struck the optician and he went into the
back room and cut a hole in an empty cornflakes
packet roughly where he thought young Jimmy's eye
ought to be.

Back in his surgery he slipped the packet over
the boy's head. Jimmy began to sob uncontrollably.

"What's the matter? the optician asked.

Jimmy replied through the sobs: "I wanted a
gold rimmed pair like my brother got!"


A husband is advised by a psychiatrist to assert himself more forcefully
his wife. "You don't have to let your wife henpeck you. Go home and show her
you are the boss!"
Of course, the husband takes the doctor's advice. He rushes home, slams the
door, shakes his fist in his wife's face, and growls: "From now on, you're
taking orders from me. I want my supper right now, and when you get it on
table, go upstairs, and lay out my best clothes. Tonight, I'm going out with
the boys and you are going to stay at home where you belong. And another
thing... do you know who's going to comb my hair, adjust my pants, and then
tie my bow tie?"
"I certainly do," his wife calmly replies. "The undertaker."

"Some things never change.
There will always be grief and
laughter, fear and courage.
It's up to us to decide on which
of these things we will focus."
Nancy B. Gibbs