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The fast thinker

Posted by: root <root@...>

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(The fast thinker)

This old cantankerous woman wanted to buy a half a head of lettuce in the
grocery store. The vegetable stock boy, Bob, told her that they don't sell
half a head of lettuce, only full heads. "You don't know who you're talking
to you, do you? You don't know who I am, do you?" said the old woman.
"No, I don't" replied the stock boy.
"I'M THE CUSTOMER!!!" Yelled the woman. "WHICH MEANS I'M RIGHT!...half a
head of lettuce, NOW!!"

So, the stock boy took the lettuce to the back where there was a knife. He
proceded to cut a head of lettuce in half as his manager walked in. "What
are you doing, Bob?" he asked.

"Oh, I'm selling this half a head of lettuce to an old, cantankerous, sack
of misery that came in"...upon saying this he noticed that the old woman had
followed the manager in...Bob quickly added "and I'm selling the other half
to this kind lady here!"

Later on the manager pulled Bob into his office and said, "I've never seen
anyone think so fast on their feet as you did today, How do you do it?"

"Well," Bob said, "I'm from Ontario, Canada where we have the ugliest women,
and the best hockey team anywhere in the world."

Bob's manager's countenance fell and a thoughtful frown adorned his lips.
"What's wrong" asked Bob.

"My wife is from Ontario" replied the manager.
"Oh," Bob said and again quickly added, "What Hockey team does she play

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