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The Friars

Posted by: clean-hewmor <clean-hewmor@...>

[Editor's Note: welcome to the many of you who joined the list this week!
On Fridays, we sometimes send out humor on an hourly basis during the day.

The Friars

There once was a group of Friars living on a mountain top, basically
communing and doing the things that Friars do. It was discovered that the
soil around their monastery was extraordinarily fertile, and many strange
and amazingly wonderful plants and flowers grew in the area. The Friars
decided to cultivate these plants and flowers and see what types of new
plants they could come up with.

Soon, people heard about all the wonderous plant life the Friars were
developing. They came from miles around to tour the Monastery area. The
Friars, who were very business minded, decided to start charging the people
money for the seeds and tours.

After a while, they made such a tremendous profit that they decided to
drop their faith all together and they became very wealthy and materialistic.

The Pope heard about this, and as the owner of the land, decided to send a
priest out to talk the Friars back into their religious life. When the
priest arrived, the Friars responded badly to his conversion attempts and
ran him out of the monastery. Needless to say, the Pope was very upset at the
news, and decided he'd have to bring out the big guns.

The Pope decided to send Bishop Hue to settle the matter. Now Bishop Hue
was known to have a very bad temper. He went to see the Friars, who tried
to run him off, too. Bishop Hue defended himself, routed the Friars from the
monastery, and in a fit of rage, burned the monastery to the ground,
destroying all the plant life, and ruining the area for many, many years to

MORAL: Only Hue can prevent Florist Friars.