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The Hotel

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

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~ * ~ The Hotel  ~ * ~

My husband went on a sudden business trip, and I accompanied
him. It soon became apparent that he could not wrap things up
in one day, so his employer put us up for the night in a luxury
hotel. We found a convenience store and purchased toothbrushes,
a razor and other necessary items.

Finally we entered the lobby of the hotel, each of us toting
a brown paper bag filled with supplies. The hotel manager
looked us over.

Raising an eyebrow, he intoned haughtily, "Matched luggage?"

~ * ~ Foreman ~ * ~

Benny got fired from his construction job.            
When asked what happened, he replied, "You know
what a foreman is? The one who stands around and
watches the other men work?"
"What's that got to do with it?"
"Well, he just got jealous of me," Benny explained.
"Everyone thought I was the foreman.
~ * ~ Thankful Grandmother ~ * ~
A Grandmother was headed out the door 
 to go to church one Sunday when she
got a call from her daughter.
 "Would Grandma like to have her
 three little grandchildren
visit while her daughter and son-in-law
took a five-day holiday trip?"
     Grandma was so delighted she put five
dollars in the collection basket at
church and thanked the Lord.
   The Sunday after the grandchildren had
 returned home, she put fifty dollars in the
collection, and thanked the Lord!
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara


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