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The Lollipop

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

*** The Lollipop ***

The boy came skipping into the house with a big
lollipop in his hands.

"Where did you get it?" his mother asked.

"I bought it with the quarter you gave me."

"The quarter I gave you was for Sunday School."

"I know Mom," said the boy, "but the minister met
me at the door and got me in free."


*** Around Again ***

A small boy was standing near
an escalator in a department store
watching the moving handrail.
"Is there anything wrong?"
asked a saleslady.
"Nope," he said,
I'm just waiting for my gum to come around again.


*** Periods ***

Driving my car one afternoon, I rolled through a stop
sign. I was pulled over by a police officer who
recognized me as his former English teacher.

"Mrs. Brown," he said, "those stop signs are periods,
not commas."


*** Planting Seeds ***

I took my 4 year old son, Josh, out to McDonald's for dinner
one evening for a "guy night".

As we were eating our hamburgers, Josh asked "Daddy, what are
these little things on the hamburger buns?"

I responded that they were tiny seeds and were ok to eat.

He was quiet for a couple of minutes and I could tell he was in
deep thought.

Finally, Josh looked up and said, "Dad, if we go home and plant
these seeds in our backyard, we will have enough hamburgers to
last forever."

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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