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"The Man Upstairs" Monday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"The Man Upstairs"
A young evangelist had just begun his first full-time job.  
He was unsettled one morning when he heard a church board  
member boasting how he used a radar detector to avoid getting  
ticketed for speeding.  
A moment later he was pleased to hear another member tell the  
man, "It's the man upstairs that you need to be worried about."  
The young evangelist was just about to offer his appreciation  
for the second man's honesty when he added, "That guy in the  
helicopter will get you every time!" 

He was a young Pastor and as usual the enemy would try to stir up
trouble in the family just before church ... so they were running late
getting into town ... and he was speeding.
Then to top it off, he looked in the review mirror only to see the
lights of the Highway Patrol ........... busted! Already late for church
and figuring he'd try for leniency, he quickly slapped his Bible on the
dash of his car as the trooper walked up to the window and asked to see
his drivers license.
Looking at his name and title on the license, the trooper asked, "You're
a Reverend huh?" The young Pastor affirmed that.
The trooper then began writing out a speeding ticket and said, "Well
Reverend; your speedometer runneth over."
As the trooper handed him the ticket and started to walk away, his last
comment was, "Oh, by the way .... the Bible on the dash .... nice
For many years I worked as a receptionist and switchboard
operator at a busy company.  After a good annual review,
my supervisor told me I was up for a raise, pending approval
of the vice president.
A month later, my supervisor called me into his office and
told me the VP had refused to approve the raise.  His reason?
I clearly wasn't doing my job.  Every time he saw me, I was
either chatting with someone in the lobby or talking on the phone.

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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