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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

<><> The Mysterious Cat <><>
 My aunt's neighbor in New York had a beautiful black cat,
named Felix, who spent his days outside and came indoors
at night. One cool October evening, he disappeared. The
neighbor searched for him in vain for several days.

The following spring, however, Felix reappeared, looking
healthy and clean. She figured he's been out sowing his
wild oats. Everything was back to normal until that autumn,
when Felix disappeared again.

The next spring, he returned. Perplexed, my aunt's friend
began asking neighbors for clues. Finally, she rang the bell
of an older couple who lived down the street. "A black cat?"
the woman said. "Oh, yes! My husband and I hated to see
him out in the cold, so we bought a cat carrier. We take him
to Florida with us every winter."


<><> No Hitter <><> 
I was sitting behind an enthusiastic mom at my son's Little League
game. Her boy was pitching for the opposing team, and she cheered
as he threw wild pitch after wild pitch. The poor kid walked every
batter. It was only the first inning, and the score was 14-0. Then
one batter finally smacked the ball.

"Oh, no!" the mom wailed. "There goes his no-hitter!"


<><> Parking Spot <><> 
A certain man, on a long term, rigid diet to shed some
pounds, talked himself into thinking that God wanted him to
have some relief. He tested his theory by telling himself
that if a parking place was available if front of the
usually crowded bakery, it would mean that God indeed
wanted him to indulge. Well, sure enough, there was a
parking place right in front of the door, on his tenth trip
around the block!

<><> New Preacher <><> 
The new preacher, at this first service, had a pitcher of water
and a glass on the pulpit. As he preached,he drank until the
pitcher of water was completely gone.

After the service, someone asked an old woman of the church, "How
did you like the new pastor?"

"Fine," she said, "but he's first windmill I ever saw that was run
by water."

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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