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The New Father

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

<><> The New Father <><>
One day a new mother went out to run some errands,
leaving her husband in charge of their baby son for the
The proud father played with his son all morning, but
after a few hours, the baby began to cry uncontrollably.
The father tried everything he could think of to get the
baby to stop - he offered him the bottle, burped him,
rocked him, but nothing seemed to work and the baby
just cried more and more.
Finally, the new dad became worried, and decided to
take the baby to the pediatrician.
The doctor began to examine the squalling baby, not
finding anything wrong. Finally, he worked his way
down and undid the child's diaper. "Well, here's your
problem," the doctor chuckled, pointing at the
overloaded diaper.
"This baby hasn't been changed all day!"
The father scratched his head, perplexed. "But..."
he said, "The diaper package says it's good for up
to 10 pounds!"
:~)  :~)  :~)  :~)  :~)  :~)  :~)  :~)  :~)  :~)  :~)  :~)  :~)  :~)

<><> New Church Member <><>

A man went to the local church and asked to join. The preacher said,"Ok, but you have to pass a small Bible test first. The first question is "Where was Jesus born?"
The man answered, "Longview."
The preacher said, " can't join our church."
Soooooo....he went to another church and asked to join. The preacher said, "We would love to have you but you have to pass a Bible test first. Where was Jesus born?"
The man said "Tyler."
The preacher said " can't join our church."
Soooo....he goes to another church and asked to join.  The preacher said, "That's great!  We welcome you with open arms."
The man said,"I don't have to pass no Bible test first?"
The preacher said, "No."
The man said, "Can I ask you a question?"
The preacher said, "Sure."
The man said, "Where was Jesus born?"
The preacher said, "Palestine."
The man mumbled to himself "I knew it was in East Texas somewhere."
:~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~)
<><> Little Johnny <><>
Seven year old Johnny had finished his summer vacation
and gone back to school.  Two days later his teacher
phoned his mother to tell her that John was misbehaving.

"Wait a minute," she said.  "I had Johnny here for two
months and I never called you once when he misbehaved."

:~)  :~)  :~)  :~)  :~)  :~) :~)  :~)  :~)  :~) :~) :~) :~)

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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