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The One Year Anniversary 9-11

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

The One Year Anniversary of The Sept 11th, 2001
Terrorist Attacks On New York, Washington and
Pennsylvania is Less Then a Week Away. Let's Take
This Time To Remember All of The Innocent People Who Died on That Day and Say a Prayer For Them as Well As Our Brave Soldiers Who Are currently Fighting The War on Terror in Afghanistan and Around The World. God Bless You All. And God Bless America.
In Memory of Our Fallen Heroes

The call went out on September eleven,
How were we to know God would call our
rescuers to heaven.

Police, Rescue, Ambulance, and Fire,
doing a job in which they desire.

Doing what they did best in helping others,
Our fallen heroes, our sisters, our brothers.

If they were called to do it again,
you know they would, those women and men.

They gave themselves while doing their best,
the ultimate sacrifice has laid them to rest.

The memories of those who gave their lives,
this tragic event has wetted our eyes.

Those who perished did not go alone,
our heavenly father was guiding them home.

Our brothers and sisters whom have perished,
be assured your memories will be cherished.

In our hearts and minds our heroes we love,
who now watch down from heavens above.

With God beside them as they look down,
they want us to smile, not cry and frown.

Our heroes now twinkle every night above,
blinking and twinkling to show their love.

As our angels shine bright every night,
this tragedy has made all Americans unite.

Their deaths be assured were not in vain,
justice will prevail and ease our pain.

As proud Americans we will stand tall,
to honor those who have given their all.

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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