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The Perils of Plastic Surgery

Posted by: clean-hewmor <clean-hewmor@...>

The Perils of Plastic Surgery

A middle-aged woman is in a terrible accident and is
rushed to the hospital. On the way there, her vital
signs fail. The doctors are able to revive her, but,
while she is gone, she sees God and he tells her she
has 40 more years to live.

Since she is in the hospital, anyway, and knows she's
going to be around for a while, she decides to use
the stay for self-improvement. She has a face-lift, a
fanny-lift, etc. She gets released from the hospital
and, as she crosses the street, is run over by a truck
and killed.

When she sees God again, she says to him, "I thought
you said I had 40 years left to live!"

To which God replies, "I'm sorry ... I didn't
recognize you."