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The Swimming Worm

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

The Swimming Worm 
A game warden sped up to a man peacefully fishing in his boat where a sign read "No Fishing."
"Don't you see the no fishing sign?" asked the game warden.
"Yes, I see it," the man said calmly.
"Do you know I can fine you for breaking the law?" the warden asked angrily.
"But sir, I am not breaking the law," the man declared.
"If you are not fishing, then what are you doing?" the warden asked sarcastically.
"Well, I am teaching my worm how to swim!"
Dear Son  
Donald Ogden Stewart, the writer, had a son away at prep
school.  When the boy reached the age of fourteen, Stewart
wrote him the following letter:
"Dear son, now that you have reached the magic age of
fourteen, the time has come to tell you about the bees
and flowers.  There is a male and a female bee, although
I haven't the slightest idea which is which. As for the
flowers - we get ours from the Plaza Florist, Inc.
Well, that takes care of that.
   Write soon, Affectionately,
Coordination Tests  
I took my daughter to the doctor for her 2 year old check. They had her do coordination tests, like stacking blocks, and they watch and see if they walk properly.
And then the doctor said, "Allison, can you stand on one foot for me?"
And she walked over and stood on his foot.
Have a Blessed Day 
Dave and Barbara 

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