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Posted by: root <root@...>


One day, Doug was playing ball in the house, which was strictly
against the rules, and he accidentally broke a vase in the living
room. "Oh, no, my mom's gonna kill me!", he thought desperately. He
frantically tried to fix it, any way he could. But tape, glue, even
Superglue wouldn't hold all the shards together. He finally left the
pieces in a pile on the table, and went to hide in his room.

Soon, his mother came home, and he heard her calling him. "Doug, do
you know who broke my vase? It's in here all in pieces!"

Doug tried to drum up his courage, but at the last minute, he found
himself answering, "No, Mom, I don't know."

He cringed, waiting for her answer. "That's funny," she said,
appearing at his door. "I wanted to thank whoever it was. I've hated
that thing for years!"

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