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Top 10 High-Tech

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10. Top 10 High-Tech Partnerships Ford Should Consider

Qualcomm and Ford reported recently that the two companies are
combining forces to provide wireless connections in all Ford
vehicles by 2004. But why stop there? Here are some other
innovative joint ventures we believe Ford should look into:

1. Ford-ViaVoice: You simply tell your car where to go. An
85-percent-accuracy rate provides risk-free driving for at
least a week.
2. Ford-Netscape: "Skins" could make your Lincoln look like a
Ford Pinto. Guarantees people will steer clear in close
encounters, lest they cause your gas tank to explode.
3. Ford-Linux: A well-run tank that won't be stopped by any
crashes--system or guardrail.
4. Ford-Apple: New cube-shaped Mustang, with see-through engine
casing, is so cute that people prove willing to undergo body
modification and extensive plastic surgery to be able to fit
5. This partnership with the well-known online
dating site will tell you which cars on the roadway hold
potential mates.
6. Ford-Microsoft IE: When you start your car, it installs
Interstate Explorer, which then covers most of your
windshield. Naturally, Ford and Microsoft would insist that
Explorer is an integral part of the car. It would be
extremely difficult to uninstall--and would come back the
next morning no matter what.
7. Ford-Nokia: Phone maker licenses its snap-on color plate
technology so that you can change your car color daily.
Bonus: Mix and match doors from fashion partner Hugo Boss.
8. Ford-Back Orifice: Automatically drives itself into other
people's garages...and destroys them.
9. Ford-Cisco: The network solution to carpooling. Instead of 5
people riding in one car, 25 people ride in five cars, with
one driver controlling all vehicles. Passengers route
simultaneous driving suggestions via cell phone. When the
driver becomes sufficiently confused, traffic comes to a
10. Ford-Amazon: One-click driving. Need we say more?