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Top Ten Gifts Your Husband Doesn't Want For Christmas Thursday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Top Ten Gifts Your Husband Doesn't Want For Christmas

10. Anne of Avonlea/Anne of Green Gables Collectors
Edition with 74 minutes of extra footage

9. Any knick-knack

8. Tickets to the ballet

7. Another new tie

6. A Bath and Body Works Soap Basket

5. New teddy bear pajamas

4. Vacuum cleaner

3. A weekend seminar on "Getting in Touch With Your

2. Pair of fuzzy bunny slippers

1. A nose and ear hair trimmer (OK, well maybe.)

Top Ten Gifts Your Wife Doesn't Want For Christmas

10. A car wash kit

9. A table saw

8. Two all-day passes to Circuit City's Home Theatre
Installation Seminar

7. A case of oil

6. Five-year subscription to Sports Illustrated

5. Custom engraved bowling ball

4. New outboard motor for fishing boat

3. Rambo Trilogy on DVD

2. New satellite dish with sports package

1. Three-year membership to Weight-Watchers Clinic

1 - If no one sees you eat it, it has no calories.

2 - If you drink a diet coke with a bar of chocolate,
they cancel each other out.

3 - When eating with someone else, calories don't
count if you both eat the same amount.

4 - Foods used for medicinal purposes have no
calories. This includes any chocolate used for energy,
brandy, Sara Lee Cheesecake (eaten whole), and
Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream.

5 - Movie-related foods are much lower in calories
simply because they are a part of the entertainment
experience and not part of one's personal fuel. This
includes chocolates, popcorn with butter, Liquorice
Allsorts, Snickers, and Jelly Babies.

6 - Cookie pieces contain no calories because the
process of breakage causes calorie leakage.

7 - If you eat the food off someone else's plate, it
doesn't count.

8 - If you eat standing up the calories all go to your
feet and get walked off.

9 - Food eaten at Christmas parties has no calories,
courtesy of Santa.

10 - STRESSED is just DESSERTS spelled backward.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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