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Top Ten Plans Microsoft Suggested but the DOJ rejected

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Top Ten Plans Microsoft Suggested but the DOJ rejected

Since the announcement of the government's proposal to break Bill Gates's
baby into two separate companies recently, Microsoft has been advancing
remedies that are less draconian than a full breakup. Here is a list of fixes
Microsoft might wish it had proposed.

1. Sticky situation: Place a line of duct tape dividing the
Microsoft campus in two.
2. Half-and-half: Split the company name down the middle, with
a space and a capital S. Micro. Soft.
3. What's in a name? Form two completely independent companies:
one headed by Steve Ballmer, and the other by Steve Ballmer,
4. Mano a mano: Microsoft agrees to split up if Larry Ellison
can beat Bill Gates in a game of Microsoft Flight Simulator
2000 running under Windows.
5. Hi, I'm Bill and I'm a monopolist: Microsoft executives
agree to enter a 12-step program called Antitrust Anonymous.
Their heightened self-awareness will lead them to engage in
kinder, gentler business practices.
6. Equitable division: Sure, break into two corporations: one
in charge of that perky animated paper clip, and the other
overseeing operating systems, applications software,
services, and Internet ventures.
7. Moving in: Invite Apple and RedHat to come share the Redmond
campus. Neighbors can be friends.
8. Adopt-a-monopoly: Split up the company, but pair each Baby
Bill with a Baby Bell, to help keep the newly abandoned
child's nose clean.
9. Divest now: Microsoft agrees to sell off rights to 1995's
Microsoft Bob operating system and Windows CE.
10. Couples therapy: The Department of Justice will arrange a
Microsoft meeting at a romantic little caf�, where the
staff will agree to the breakup over dinner but resolve to
stay friends afterward.