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Top Ten Reasons Why a NASCAR Driver Should Be President Friday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Top Ten Reasons Why a NASCAR Driver Should Be President"

10.  “Hail to the Chief” would be followed by a fly over.
9.  Imagine the State of the Union address filled with endorsements for sponsors. 
8.  Nothing like hearing the Oval Office referred to as “The Oval Office presented by Stacker 2.”
7.  Forget Presidential debates, just let them do a 30 lap shoot out.
6.  Picture this: The inaugural parade with the trucks that have the Coca-Cola cannons in the back that shoot out T-Shirts. 
5.  Nothing like hearing the President thank the guys back at the shop (Congress and the House).
4.  Imagine the fans in the NASCAR T-Shirt and hats all cheering at Presidential speeches.
3.  Air Force One would make an awesome way to get to and from the track.
2.  Not only would you have track security personnel at each race, but you’d have the added security of secret service agents there as well.
1.  The Daytona 500 would be a national holiday.
"Thank You"
The son of a friend graduated from high school, so I sent
him a card to congratulate him.  I enclosed some money and
scribbled some words of wisdom inside.
He sent me back a note saying, "Thank you for the gift. 
Also thank you for the advice.  My mom always told me
that you were full of it."
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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