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Unanswered Questions

Posted by: cyberkat <cyberkat@...>

In this world of unanswered questions, we have the promise that there is a overall plan, and that God orchestrates events to create overall harmony.  This was sent to me by a friend this morning and I thought I would share.   ---kathie

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28, NASB

Life is a lot like a puzzle. A few weeks ago I stood looking at a one-thousand-piece puzzle. I am not a puzzle-person. If I had to put a thousand-piece puzzle together, it would be a life sentence for me; I can't imagine doing that.

When my son was sixteen or eighteen months old, he had the most amazing eye-hand coordination. We had this fifty-piece puzzle of the United States, and he would put this thing together! Here was this little kid doing this, and I was just amazed! As we walked out of the room I thought, "If he can do that, I should be able to do it!" It took me forever, and I finally gave up!

Life is like a puzzle. Maybe you've lived one or two pieces worth of the puzzle, but it is a thousand piece puzzle. Maybe you've lived twenty years in the Lord and you can look back at your life and say, "Oh, now I see how that connects to that! Whoa!" But still, what do you see? You can't see much. Maybe you can see a corner. If the whole puzzle was a corner, it would be easier!

If you continue to work the puzzle, you might begin to see a picture take shape. You may begin to see parts of the photo, like the trees and snow. But are you sure? We're talking about the fact that there are 973 more pieces to go!

Let's say that these three pieces do show trees and snow.

Can you imagine what would happen if God gave you the privilege of going to Heaven for a day with your three pieces of puzzle in your hand? God says, "These three pieces are just what I am beginning to do in your life. It's so important, and if you don't do this, I can't connect the rest of it. Let Me show you what the rest of the whole picture is!" When the Lord shows you the whole picture, you'd probably say something like, "Lord, I never would have thought of that! How did You come up with stuff like this?" He says, "I'm God." You see, if you don't live out this corner of the puzzle, the rest of it wouldn't happen.

The way God looks at it is this: "All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose."

What's important is for you to let God work the pieces that He is working on right now. Remember that all things are working together for good—even if it is a piece that you can't understand or can't possibly see how it could fit. "This doesn't go anywhere! It must be a mistake! They must have put two puzzles together or they cut it wrong. There's something wrong here." Then you get right near the end and say, "Oh, I should have seen that!" Or someone else will come up and plunk down that piece right in the right spot. Life happens like that, too. Sometimes someone will tell you something and it just "clicks." "Why didn't I think of that?" 

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