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Uniform Dress

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Uniform Dress

The mother of a large family was explaining why she dresses her children
alike, right down to the youngest baby.

"When we had just four children, I dressed them alike so we wouldn't lose
any of them. Now," she added, looking around at her brood of nine, "I
dress them alike so we won't pick up any that don't belong to us."

Bonus joke:

Selling Melons

Two young farmers bought a truckload of watermelons, paying one dollar
apiece for them.

Then they drove to the market and sold all of their melons for the SAME
price (one dollar apiece) they'd paid for them.

After counting their money at the end of the day, they realized they'd
ended up with no more money than they'd started with.

"See!" said one. "I told you we shoulda got a bigger truck."

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