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Update and prayer requests on job and health

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Since I have asked for your prayers, and many of you have asked
me to keep you informed, I am sending you this message. I also
want to update you on the situation wiht Tom, my wife's brother.

Today, I received an Email, asking me if I would like to have an
interview on either Tuesday or Wednesday. This is the first
response of any kind I have had in over a month, and only the
second interview I have had since starting my job search at the
end of June. Whether this leads to a job or not, it is an
encouragement at a time when I personally need encouragement.
Still, I pray first for God's direction in my life, and secondly
for a job.

Brenda's brother, Tom, is still in the hospital. His condition,
a form of leukemia, has left him weak, bruised in many places,
and in need of blood transfusions. At one point in time, his
condition was critical because a dormant condition resurfaced -
childhood asthma - constricted breathing, shortness of breath.
This, coupled with the leukemia, had everyone very concerned.
Things are now stabilized, but certainly still pretty serious.
In fact, Tom's condition was categorized as "terminal;". This is
a matter for our God, who is able to deal with matters of life
and death.

>From a standpoint of faith, Tom once made a profession of faith,
but had wandered from the faith. All of us in the family who
believe are praying for two miracles: Tom's rededication to
Christ, and the healing of both body AND spirit.

I will continue to update you on both of these situations as they
develop. The Masinick and Trammell families would certainly
appreciate your continued prayers.

Your Brother in Christ,

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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