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Update on Emily

Posted by: racnbass <racnbass@...>

Earlier this week, I forwarded this prayer requst that was posted by a member
of the Carvin Bulletin Board community that claims to be a non-believer...

"pbbeck Platinum Member
Member # 3917

Member Rated:
posted November 22, 2003 09:59 PM As some of you
know, I'm not the most spiritual person, but if ever there was a night to
start praying, tonight is it.

I just found out that a very good friend of mine's 11 month-old baby girl.
Emily, is gravely ill and in the hopsital. She has an opportunisitc infection
affecting her heart, precipitated by a bout of pneumonia, and she may very
well not survive.

If you guys could say a prayer for little Emily H. in Los Angeles, I'd greatly
appreciate it.


Her are two updates on Emily...

Posted yesterday (Wednesday, 11/26)
" This infection on Emily's heart is formed like a tether ball. The "tether"
is attached to her mitral valve and with every pump the "ball" of bacteria is
"flung" into the ventricle and "showering" her system with bacteria. Every
system in her body became infected.

On Monday, the doctors had to decide whether it would be better to wait and
and see if the meds would work to kill the infection, or to do open-heart
surgery to remove the "ball" of infection.

On Tuesday, Emily's neurologist and cardiologist along with the intensivist
believed that she needed heart surgery.

Today they opened Emily's chest to remove the infection. The team of doctors
thought that the risk from surgery was less than the risk of waiting. I know
she went in to the OR this morning, but I don't have any updates.

Could you guys please say one more prayer for Emily H. in Los Angeles? Your
support is the reason she is alive today."

And today (Thursday 11/27)
" Good news!

The surgeons were able to get in and out of Emily's heart quickly. They
removed a patch of "vegetation" the size of the surgeon's thumb! She handled
the operation well, and is going to recover completely. She may lose some
fingers or toes, but even that is looking less likely!

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!"

This particular guy saw the power of prayer during our recent wildfire dilemma
here in SoCal. Now he's seeing it again! We can't ask for a better witnessing
Thanks for your prayers! Please continue to pray for Emily's complete
God bless!