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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Friends, Family, and "Rope Holders":
Today is the final day of our annual conference we've been attending in Switzerland, so we're hoping to get about three or four days of pure relaxation before we head back to Kiev.  Since we'll write a more comprehensive report in our regular monthly letter next week, we'll just get right to the point with an update report from Jim and Deanna about Nicole Grace.
It's clear that God has been faithfully working through you to Nicole and our family; and He has also been working faithfully through her to others.
We praise Him for His continued touch.  Some people have wondered how much of this is actually because of prayer and how much is just the natural processes.  To us it makes no difference.  God works many ways and for many reasons.  When you examine the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament you discover that the words both for "gifts" and "healings" are plural ---- a variety of healing gifts and a variety of healings.  But, it all comes from God.
As you read the following report, let us encourage you to continue asking for the max with child-like faith, remember that God heals on the basis of His compassion and not on the basis of our worthiness, keep speaking directly to these "mountains", and ask specifically.
It's breakfast time in Interlaken, so must sign off.  Please read on, rejoice, and pray.
Bob and Jo Ann
Hello everyone!
Today was a pretty good day in that we got to hold Nicole a lot - more
than any other day before now.  Part of that was because she was pretty
fussy and Deanna was trying to calm her down.  During that time she
really got to sucking good on her pacifier (Nicole, not Deanna) - which
is a good sign as it is a vital part of eating. 
However, for some reason, she was breathing a lot harder today -
retracting her stomach as she breathed for much of the day.  Her
saturation levels remained high through all but the worst of it earlier
in the morning and her heart has had much less arrhythmia the past
couple days - so that is good news.  They did do a chest x-ray to check
her lungs and didn't find any change from the one done early in her stay
at the NICU.  So, that's all good news, but obviously a cause for
concern due to her labored breathing.  It could be a sign of another
period of heart failure, but yet nothing is showing up yet to indicate
that is the case. 
Because of the extra effort put into breathing today, they decided not
to try to have her take a bottle - didn't want to tire her out.
She has been much more alert the past couple days, looking around with
her eyes, etc.  Of course, that's part of the reason for her fussiness.
A lot of her fussiness, which always comes during and after eating is
likely due to gas pains brought on by adding the formula to the breast
milk.  If we were at home we would ease that pain with some gas drops,
but at the NICU, they don't treat it - I guess because they want her
digestive system to mature and adapt.
Again, we just pray for the Lord to work miraculously in her body.  To
release and bind on earth all things that have already been bound and
released in the Heavenlies by His spoken Word.  We pray that His word
that has already been spoken concerning Nicole and His purposes for her
would be carried out and made manifest with NO interference by the enemy
Perhaps part of that purpose is in preserving the lives of other
children.  We heard from my parents who are attending a conference in
Switzerland that a doctor from Germany (I believe) has asked for copies
of our e-mails so that she can share our story with women considering
abortion due to early detection of potential genetic disorders; in hopes
to persuade to give continued life to the children they carry.  THAT is
amazing to us.  We are both passionately opposed to abortion (Deanna
could probably even offend a fair number of pro-lifers if given a
chance) - so much so that it was part of our wedding vows years before
having children.  If even just one precious life was saved because of
what the Lord is leading us through with Nicole, then we can rejoice and
say it's worth it.
Again, we don't know what tomorrow holds - something always changes at
least a little; but we KNOW and Trust the one who holds tomorrow.
Continue to pray with us as you have and pray that she would breathe
easier, be able to get completely off the nasal prongs, eat well, grow
and thrive.   Pray for our continued strength and health.  Deanna is
almost back to full speed as far as walking and endurance is building
back.  However, there is still a lot of discomfort, especially when
trying to get comfortable and sleep, so pray that the annoying aches and
pains that are part of post pregnancy and post surgery would diminish
greatly and quickly so that her sleep can be more restful and thus more
beneficial.  That will also allow her to better take care of Michael and
JoyLinn whether here in St. Louis or at home, which will allow us to be
together more.
Thank you all again.  We can't emphasize enough how much your prayer
support and other forms of support and encouragement have ministered to
us and touched the ears and heart of our Father.  Along with that, we
cannot emphasize enough our need for you to continue to labor with us
through the long haul - the marathon that lies ahead with the distance
of the finish line unknown.  May our joy continue to be IN the journey
along the way - not merely at the final destination.

In His Bond,

Bob and Jo Ann
Bob Tolliver
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
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