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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Friends:
"Before they call, I will answer, and while they are yet speaking, I will hear".
Well, . . . if you ever wondered whether or not God was interested in the "base" things of life, wonder no more.
Shortly after the request for Nicole Grace to be able to "poop" went out around the world, we got a note from Deanna indicated that she had a "long, quiet, extensive" one.
So, God still answers prayer, and sometimes for the most unusual things.
In seriousness, we know that the issue is much more significant, because it indicates possible genetic problems that hamper her ability to properly digest and assimilate nutrients, and it may also show difficulties that may exist regarding necessary muscle response and messages being sent via the nervous system.
Therefore, please continue praying, as we have asked from the start, that all abnormalities and problems be resolved, whether naturally, medically, or supernaturally, all to the glory and purposes of God.
While we've not been able yet to get the text created for the latest Victorious Heart album on our webshots address, we have added the two latest pictures of Nicole Grace, at about three months of age.  Feel free to look.
Thanks for praying.
Continue praying also about our work here and the schedule we have coming up for the next three months.  We will actually only be in churches services four Sundays for the rest of the year as we travel to western Ukraine, Italy, and then the States.  Pray that God will use this time to "push" the people here to take more responsibility and control over the ongoing ministry and work of the church.  This will be a good learning opportunity.
In His Bond and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann

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