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Updates -- Our Victorious Heart 11-23-04

Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

We're forwarding the latest on Nicole Grace.  As an update, we are currently with Jim and Deanna for Thanksgiving.  Wednesday night she seemed to grow worse, and they contemplated taking her to the hospital.  However, after talking with the doctor and being assured that this was probably the result of improvement from the medication, they decided to not do so.
Please read on, . . . and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Also . . . . PLEASE PRAY FOR UKRAINE!  This has the potential of erupting into violent conflict at any moment.  We receive information from various news sources that most of you know nothing about.  These services are reporting much more detail than CNN and the major U.S. networks.
If interested, you can check these out:
Thanks for praying for Nicole Grace.
Bob and Jo Ann
Subject: Our Victorious Heart 11-23-04

> Hello all,
> It's been a long 2 days, so this will be a brief update.
> As Jim referred to recently, we took her to St. Louis last week for a
> cardiology check-up.  She was retaining more fluid than desirable and
> her lungs were "a little wet" as the doctor put it (sophisticated
> terminology).  Anyway, they increased her 2 heart meds significantly.
> Within a couple days she was breathing easier and not near as puffy in
> her face, neck and legs.  She also had lots of messy diapers.
> Her bad cold also seemed to be improving and Saturday and Sunday she had
> really good days with very little fussing, sneezing, or spitting up from
> all the drainage.
> Yesterday, it all started again and she gradually got worse through the
> day and all night.  She had an appointment already scheduled for today
> with her doctor in Quincy.  A follow-up x-ray revealed that the area in
> her right lung that had been bordering on pneumonia 10 days ago had
> definitely developed into pneumonia.  It's still in early stages, but
> things can digress quickly with any infant, especially one with her
> heart and other health issues.
> So after a major dose of antibiotics (10 days worth) via injections in
> both legs and a breathing treatment, we brought her home with an
> additional antibiotic and an increased regimen of breathing treatments.
> We had to keep her up on a full liter of oxygen much of the afternoon to
> keep her sats in the 80's - along with lots of suctioning,
> repositioning, etc.
> Towards supper tonight, she began to even out a bit and we were able to
> have about 15-20 minutes where one of us didn't have to be attending to
> her in some way.  Tonight was our community Thanksgiving service.  She
> was doing significantly better when we left and is still generally
> better than earlier today.  Her throat gets clogged with drainage still
> and her sats will do a roller coaster ride on occasion, but she is
> resting well and breathing better.
> For those who wonder - the doctor saw no need to put her in the hospital
> at this point, due to it being in the early stages, and the fact that we
> have oxygen and nurses in the home. 
> We also met the new physical therapist that God has provided for her.
> Her name is Karen, she is licensed for infants and for IN HOME care, so
> we don't have to take her to Hannibal every week (or do without).  It's
> possible that she may even come twice a week instead of once.  She has
> also had experience with a Trisomy 18 patient before.  It was a
> teenager, so obviously different, but she understands the effects that
> the condition entails.  She also knows the former therapist, so Karen
> can get filled in on all Leli's experiences with Nicole.
> My folks got in town tonight and one sister and her family will be
> arriving tomorrow.  We will be celebrating Thanksgiving together and
> enjoying time together.  Thanks to my Sunday School class, we don't have
> to do any cooking!! They are blessing us with the gift of time to just
> relax and visit, while several of them are preparing our family dinner
> for us.  Our wonderful nurses are also continuing their normal schedule
> through the holiday.
> Remember to be thankful for all things, the things we take for granted
> and the things we don't. 
> We are thankful for you all and for your consistency in lifting us up in
> prayer, as well as for your notes of support and encouragement.
> Have a great Thanksgiving!
> Walk With Jesus,
> Jim and Deanna

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