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UPS is Best

Posted by: root <root@...>

UPS is Best

Bronnie, has one quirk that we can't explain:
she hates United Parcel Service drivers
in their brown uniforms.
One day I let Bronnie out of the car just
as a luckless UPS man walked around the
corner of a building.
Grabbing her collar, I struggled to keep hold
as Bronnie lunged at the visibly shaken man.
Trying to ease the situation, I said,
"As you can see, she just loves UPS men!"
"Don't you feed her anything else?" he responded.


OUR UNIT stood at attention one morning as the officer in charge
presented a shipmate with a Good Conduct Award.
The officer read from the certificate,
"in recognition of faithful, zealous and obedient naval service."
As the certificate was handed over,
we heard a voice from the ranks say,
"They make it sound like you should wag your tail and bark."

--Contributed by Susan A