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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Friends:
I am writing you with a very special and urgent prayer request that needs your immediate intercessionPlease share this with others, especially those who are confident, courageous, and authoritative in intercessionThis is of GREAT importance.
As you probably know, we have had an ongoing problem with a Ukrainian man named Sergey who started attending our services last Summer.  Without going into detail, we quickly began to suspect his motives for wanting to attend the church.  He speaks almost no English, and we offer no English classes.
Over a period of time, we found that he blatantly lied to us on a number of occasions and we soon concluded that the primary reason for attending was to find an American wife so he could emigrate to America.  He indicated this was the case to one of our members.  He also wanted financial help from us, and wanted to be able to preach here because he was supposedly a pastor or evangelist.
Over the next several months we began to notice a pattern where he was trying to establish some relationships with several of our American single women, some as young as 16 years of age, asking for apartment locations and phone numbers.  Praise God that none of them gave him that information, although one of our older single women had him show up at her apartment unannounced and uninvited one day.
Finally, the Pastoral Leadership Team confronted him, first urging him to attend a Ukrainian church where he could understand the sermons and also where he could take their English classes.  He agreed to do so . . . but started showing up here again.
Three weeks ago three of our Pastoral Leadership Team members met with Sergey and laid down some ground rules about his attending here, one of which was to have absolutely no contact with any of our single women at any time.  After one week's absence, he returned and promptly violated the conditions.
Two weeks ago the PLT realized he was not going to accept our spiritual counsel and ministry and then made the decision to not allow him into our serves any more.  Last Sunday Sergey returned and approached several people, including me, asking for phone numbers of a couple of our single women.  We had already made the decision by that time that we would have to post guards at our doors and also warn him that we would call the police if necessary because he was harassing our single women and was becoming a distractive presence in our services.
I adamantly told him that I would not give out phone numbers, and reminded him of the PLT's demands of him.  In the process of that discussion, our dear friend, "M", reiterated those conditions and told him that if Sergey returned he would personally call the police to have him removed from the premises.  Sergey left in anger.
Subsequently, Sergey has filed a formal complaint with the police against "M", accusing him of beating him up.  Today a police investigator came to our apartment to find "M" and try to talk with him.  Praise God he doesn't live here, and he's currently out of the city for the weekend teaching and mentoring new believers in another city.
We are in the process of preparing a formal statement from the PLT spelling out the problems we have had with Sergey over the past several months, and are asking God to give such overwhelming proof to Sergey's lies that it will not only clear "M" of these false charges, but also will pave the way for him to be permanently prohibited from attending our services or having any contact with our people, especially our single women.
So, I'm writing to ask you to immediately be in prayer over this situation.  It is possible this could escalate into something far more serious than it already is.  It is also possible that "M" could even be apprehended when returning to the city.  We are in the process of preparing a document that will spell out in detail the troubles we've had with Sergey the past several months.
Friends, this could develop into a major problem unless God intervenes.  This shows us again of just how important KIBC is to God's kingdom work, and how vehemently (and sometimes violently) Satan is fighting against us.  This is just one of several issues that have bombarded us, especially since I began teaching a Bible study on spiritual warfare about seven weeks ago.
We must be people of courage, authoritative praying, and unwavering trust in the Lord.  Please pray that truth will not only be revealed, but will be believed by the authorities, and pray that God will deal properly with Sergey, and that our precious friends "M" and his wife will be totally protected.  Pray also for the PLT as we continue dealing with this devious attack from the pits of hell.
Thank you for caring, and for praying.
Pastor Bob

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