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Views of their Grandchildren

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

(^_^) Views From Their Grandchildren (^_^)

Three elderly gents were talking about what their grandchildren would be saying about them fifty years from now.
"I would like my grandchildren to say, 'He was successful in business,'" declared the first man.

"Fifty years from now," said the second, "I want them to say, 'He was a loyal family man.'"

Turning to the third gent, he asked, "So what do you want them to say about you in fifty years?"

"Me?" the third one replied. "I want them to say, 'He certainly looks good for his age.'"

(^_^) -------- (^_^) -------- (^_^) -------- (^_^)


(POUND 23)

My appetite is my shepherd; I always want.
It maketh me sit down and stuff myself.
It leadeth me to my refrigerator repeatedly.
It leadeth me in the path of Burger King for a Whopper.
It destroyeth my shape.
Yea, though I knoweth I gaineth, I will not stop eating
For the food tasteth so good.
The ice cream and the cookies, they comfort me.
When the table is spread before me, it exciteth me
For I knoweth that I sooneth shall dig in.
As I filleth my plate continuously,
My clothes runneth smaller.
Surely bulges and pudgies shall follow me all the days of my life
And I shall be "pleasingly plump" forever.

(^_^) -------- (^_^) -------- (^_^) -------- (^_^)

(^_^) Driving Today (^_^)

Driving changes people. Everybody on the road today is a regular Dr Jekyll and Mr Goodwrench.

Half the people on the road should be pulled over by the police, the other half by psychiatrists.

Traffic is getting so bad during rush hour that you can change a flat and not lose your place in line.

To some people, driving is transportation. To others it's a contact sport.

Aggressive drivers are the ones who try to get even after we cut them off.

The only way to get home on time is to take the day off.

The way some people drive the car should be considered an accomplice.

Traffic was so bad on the freeway, I had to stop twice to make car payments.

I went to court for a parking ticket. I pleaded insanity.

I drive so bad, I got my master's degree from Driving School.

I'll never forget the first ticket I ever got--$30 fine for passing on the wrong side of a subway train.

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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