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Visual Aid Clean Hewmor Friday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Please keep Niki in prayer as each day she is showing signs of improvement. God is answering our prayers and  soon we hope to have a full update for you.
Visual Aid  
One Sunday morning when my son, David, was about 5, we were
attending a church in our community. It was common for the
preacher to invite the children to the front of the church and have a
small lesson before beginning the sermon.
He would bring in an item they could find around the house
and relate it to a teaching from the Bible.
This particular morning, the visual aid for his lesson was a
smoke detector. He asked the children if anyone knew what it
meant when an alarm sounded from the smoke detector.
My child immediately raised his hand and said, "It means
Daddy's cooking dinner."
The temporary Sunday School teacher was struggling to
open a combination lock on the supply cabinet. She had
been told the combination, but couldn't quite remember
it. Finally she went to the pastor's study and asked
for help.

The pastor came into the room and began to turn the dial.
After the first two numbers he paused and stared blankly
for a moment. Finally he look serenely heavenward and his
lips moved silently. Then he looked back at the lock, and
quickly turned to the final number, and opened the lock.

The teacher was amazed. "I'm in awe at your faith, pastor,"
she said.

"It's really nothing," he answered. "The number is on a
piece of tape on the ceiling."



Little Johnny's mother put carrots on his plate in spite of  
his dislike for them saying, "They're good for your eyes and  
will help you see in the dark!"  

Little Johnny replied, "You eat them Mommy, I'll use a  

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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