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Walls of Jericho Tuesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Walls of Jericho"

The new pastor decided to visit the children's Sunday school.  The teacher introduced him and said, "Pastor, this morning we're studying Joshua."
"That's wonderful," said the new pastor, "let's see what you're learning.  Who tore down the walls of Jericho?"
Little Billy shyly raised hand and offered, "Pastor, I didn't do it."
Taken aback, the pastor asked, "Come on, now, who tore down the walls of Jericho?"
The teacher, interrupting, said, "Pastor, Billy's a good boy.  If he says he didn't do it, I believe he didn't do it."
Flustered, the pastor went to the Sunday school director and related the story to him.
The director, looking worried, explained, "Well, sir, we've had some problems with Billy before.  Let me talk to him and see what we can do."
Really bothered now by the answers of the teacher and the director, the new pastor approached the deacons and related the whole story, including the responses of the teacher and the director.
A white-haired gentleman thoughtfully stroked his chin and said, "Well, Pastor, I move we just take the money from the general fund to pay for the walls and leave it at that." 
After living in our house for four years, we were moving
out of state. My husband had backed the truck up to our
garage door so that we could start loading all of the boxes.
Just then one of our neighbors came walking across the lawn
carrying a plate full of muffins. 
"Isn't that thoughtul," my husband said to me.  "They must
have realized that we packed our kitchen stuff."
The neighbor stuck out his hand and boomed, "Welcome to the
Stopping to pick up my daughter at kindergarten, I found out that the topic of show and tell that day had been parents' occupations.  The teacher pulled me aside.  Whispering, she advised, "You might want to explain a little bit more to your daughter what you do for a living."
I work as a training consultant and often conduct my seminars in motel conference rooms.
When I asked why, the teacher explained, "Your daughter told the class she wasn't sure what you did, but said you got dressed real pretty and went to work at motels." 
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
"A happy heart is like good medicine" (Proverbs 17:22)
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