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Weekend Prayer Requests 05.14.05

Posted by: wrather <wrather@...>


As the names on the list continue to grow it will be necessary to begin to
remove some of the older entries each week from the bottom of each category
ie praise or other. If you notice a name has been removed and there is still
a need please send me another email requesting that they again be listed.
Thank you for your help and prayers in this endeavor!


If you have a praise report send it and I will include one or two each week
if space allows.

If you want an update on a specific person contact me directly and I will
share if I have information.


Rich D and Scott; Elias; Mrs.Raj Kumari; Sheri Hoffman; Aubrey; Kim; Mary
Darden; Terry (OH); Noelle Rinaldi; Linda Jensen; Wes; Shirley; Mary Ann
Hilt; Elaine Griffin; Martha; Kelly Easter; Kayla; Joshua and Michael;
V.M.D.; Mrs.Raj Kumari; Chip's son, Alexander; Sharon Ingersol; Malachi
Struthers; Ruth Clem; Wilma Fowler; Junior Perry; Becky Gracey's baby;
Dominic, Rosemarie, Orlando, Mary; Millie's friend, Wes; Polly; David Smith;
Gerald Tipton; Sharon Ingersol; Chuck Arrington; Kayla; Sherry; Shelly;
Tricia Hoffman; Virginia and Everett Heard, Tracey's mother; Madria, Chase,
Jessica, Janice Richard, Larry, Jimmy, Brenda, Connie Harvey, Charles
Tunner; Leah LaTaille and Family; Mickey Guth's wife and mother; Andy and
Karen; Reba's daughter, Susan; Jon and Elizabeth Wright; Mirella M, Pat N,
Billie A; Ronda: Leviticus Lorne King; Victor Exinia; Linda Hastings; Bev;
Ruth Carroll; Jon, Russell and Jenny Wright; Olivia King; Ernest Hubbard;
Clarence and Mary Mitchell; Craiggy; Kenneth Hulgan; Delmer Lawson; Little
Laura; Lisa Acevedo; Gayna; Jan Chipman; Adam Meyer; Blake Swinford; Cade
Cline; Kenneth Hulgan; Beverly Keith; Jay Boyd Brown; Lucille Salinas;
Andrea; Iraqi voters; Katie Golding; Nathan; Andrea's friend Kathy; Kearn
Olinger; Sammie Petrucciani; Dawn Haynes; Clara and Lester Davis; Larry
Pennington; Eddy Lord; Kristi Walker; Gloria Fiego; Ron and Judy Wallen;
Juanita Goodpastur; Pam Reed; Ora Lee Roberts; Ena's daughter; Makayla; Abe
K. Varghese; Bill Redmon; Jonathan Barnes; Griffin; Bernice Mock; Liz and
family; Karen Campbell's mother - Mary; Helen Phelps' husband; Dreama
Blankenship's granddaughter; Gerald; Tresha Waters; Charles Yoder's wife;
Vashti; Rev. Joseph A.Nagy; Adrienne and Shellie; Susan; Stacie; Ed Wrather;
Joyce Link; Fern Turner; Wayne and Bonita; Paul Lopez; Xander; Patrick
Knaide; Shelly Hughes; Archie; Ashley Manwell; Erin Smith; Nicole; Brenda's
son; Carrie; Cynthia Leake; Mamie Bowman; Katie; Barbara Carvalho; Virginia
Banks; Lou Harvey; Clyde Harvey; Brian Yancey; Toni Congleton; Bill Womack;
Sammy Maroni; Elizabeth Hess; Pauline Haste; Daniel Mercer; Todd Ault;
Caleb; Jeff Zircle and family; Barbara Bechtol; Angel Estep; John Mccullen's
son; Kelly Easter; Virginia Miller; Bob Martinet; Rick Rilliet; Bill Rust,
Jr.; Liam; Deborah; Rhonda; Jordan Nicole Childs; Martha Washington;
Veronica Washington; Willie Washington; Joshua Washington; Timeka Briars;
Timecia Briars; Timothy Briars; Johnnie Washington; Clara Riley; and David


Sue Manuel and family; Tricia Hoffman; Bruce Michalowski; Andy Theisen;
Geoff (CA); Noelle Rinaldi; Frank Rapp and Jen Marshall; Karen Cooke; The
Collins; Barbara Hall; Pat; Sally; Martha; Chuck and Kay Smith; Kelly
Easter; Norvery; Rita; Dave, Amy, Dhiraj and Sweota; Karen; Charlie and
Sherry; Richard, Joey, and Genevieve Christensen; Mark Strope family;
Noble, Sherene, Morgan, and Malachi Struthers; Barr, Young, Wagner,
Priester, and Matthews families; Donald Levitt; Stacey, Jessica, and Andrea;
Rene Valtier; Scott Tevz McDonald; Richard Christensen and family; Judy and
her family; Carmen; Sandra and family; Mark and family; Gloria Watson and
her family; Karen; Mark Strope family; Shelly and David; Barbara and
Frankie; James and Martha Rawlings; Arthur O'Berry; Daniel Williams; Daniel
Rawlings; Debbie Price; Wilma Joyner; Elder Arthur Rawlings; Tricia Hoffman;
Terri's parents, relatives, and friends; Sagar; Mary Conway's neice; Tristan
Keith; Ogonor family; Tony and Jonathan Cadiou; Steve Jacob and Holly Anne
Pierce; Dalton and Darrell Brightwell; Barbara Russell; Barbara and Caitlin
Sanchez; Leviticus Lorne King; Laurie; Jess and husband; Rich Boyd, Impact
program, comfort for family one involved; Bonner family; Clarence and Mary
Mitchell; Imo and family; Doris and family; Andrew Theisen; Wayne Young;
Barb; Sherry; June Byrne, CJBKY; Sue Manuel; Laura's Dad, Mike; Millar
family; Dixie; Eric and Sheila Lohberger; Justin Millar; Brandi Blevins;
Lana Keathley; Leann; Joel Alexander; Justin Lohberger; Justin Passmore;
Tyler Heinsohn; Angela Prather; Kanema Hill; Perisha; Junior Davis; Trevor
Boswell; Tara Boswell; Jeff Barker; Jama Sams; Brandi and James Manning;
Cager Green; Justin Berryman; Sherry Williams; Jonathan, Jay, and Joseph
Sickles; Dianne Palmer; Donna Wagner; Delores Brown; Paula Ward; S. Morgan;
Christopher Sparks; Valerie and Peter Chesnut; Jonathan Del Valle, Hollianne
Del Valle, Valentine Del Valle, Danny and Rosie Del Valle, Alfonso Del
Valle, Dara and Joe Costantino; Kathleen Brown; O.T. and Madelyn Morales;
Mary Alvarez; Ester Rodriguez; Adelo Castillo; Arjun; Raymond Blount; Larry
Rawlings; Sheleada Vann; Mary and Ralph Darden; Ed Wrather, Clark; Lavonne
Jackson; Rich Boyd; Charles S. Bush; Mr.& Mrs. Ricky Green; Tiffany D.
Buggage; Kennard McDonald; James and Mary; Ken; Karleen and Randy; Tim
Kelly; unspoken request; Nicholas; Kurt Franzinger; Josephine Burns; Sandy
and Nancy; True Friendship MBC; Shirley Hulgan; Sophia; Charles and Jean;
Tony Roof; Julie and family; Anonymous from Eliz.

PLEASE pray for the Burning Bush Ministry - Your prayers ARE NEEDED!!!!

1. Pray that I will have inspiration necessary to write the devotionals.

2. Please pray for all who receive the devotionals that God will touch their
hearts through them.

3. Please pray for more subscribers and that fewer subscribers' email
addresses will bounce. There have been more than 900 new subscribers since
November but about an equal number of addresses have begun to bounce. If you
change your email address please let me know. Please check your spam

4. Please pray for the devotional booklets that are being distributed. Pray
that more distribution points would be found and that the finances necessary
to continue the distribution will continue to be provided.

5. Pray for my health. I also face a severe challenge with dealing with my
situation (who are elderly) during this next week. This situation will have
an impact
on everything that I do for some time.