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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

*** What Children Have Learned ***  

I've learned that my daddy can say a lot of words I can't.
- Jeff, age 8.

I've learned that just when I get my room the way I like it, my
Mom makes me clean it up. - Cassandra, age 13.

I've learned that you can be in love with four girls at the same
time. - Brad, age 9.

I've learned that you can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of
milk. - Steven, age 7.

I've learned that if you laugh and drink soda pop at the same
time, it will come out your nose. - Freddy, age 7.

I've learned that when daddy kisses me in the mornings he smells
like a piece of Jolly Rancher candy. - Sandra, age 4.

I've learned that when I grow up, I'm going to be an artist. It's
in my blood. - Wilson, age 8.

I've learned that you can't judge boys by the way they look. -
Maria, age 12.

I've learned that you should never jump out of your bedroom window
using a sheet for a parachute. - Jimmy, age 10.

I've learned that parents can be very hard to live with. - Jeremy,
age 12.

I've learned that sometimes the tooth fairy doesn't always come.
Sometimes he's broke. - Sheila, age 5.

I've learned that if you talk too long on the phone with a girl,
your parents suspect something is going on. - George, age 11.

I've learned that girls sweat just as much as boys. - Mike age 9.

I've learned that when wearing suspenders with one strap down, you
need to be careful going to the bathroom. - Fred, age 10.

I've learned that it always makes me feel good to see my parents
holding hands. - Jacqueline, age 9.

I've learned that you shouldn't confuse a brown crayon with a
Tootsie Roll. - Marion, first grade.

I've learned that I would like to be a horse and live on a ranch,
if only cowboys didn't wear spurs. - Wanda, age 8.

I've learned that I like my teacher because she cries when we
sing "Silent Night". - Katy, age 7

I've learned that sometimes I don't like to play ball with daddy
because he gets mad when I drop the ball. - Jack, age 8.

I've learned that milk helps keep your bones from bending over. -
Heather, age 7.

I've learned that the teacher always calls on me the times I don't
know the answer. - Watson, age 9.

I've learned I have to figure out how to hold animals without
killing them. - Louie, age 7.

I've learned that when you have three of your wild friends in the
car the driver freaks. - Brock, age 9.

I've learned that gold fish don't like jello. - Jeff, age 5.

I've learned that the older I get the less attention I get. -
Belinda, age 6.

I've learned that sometimes my mother laughs so hard that she
snorts ... But that's ok. - Billy, age 7.

*** Here Are A Few Politically Correct Teenage Situations *** 

A) You don't have a detention, you're just "exit delayed."

B) Your bedroom isn't cluttered, in fact, you don't have any
problemm with it at all. It's just "parent passage restrictive."

C) These days, a student isn't lazy. He's "energetically

D) Your locker isn't overflowing with junk, it's just "closure

E) Your homework isn't missing, its just having an "out-of-
notebook experience."

F) You're not having a bad hair day, you're suffering
from "rebellious follicle syndrome."

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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