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What's In The Bible Wednesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"What's In The Bible"
The minister asked the little girl,
" Do you know what's in the bible? "
"Yes," she responded, "I think I know everything that's in it."
Surprised, the minister siad, " That's a pretty big claim for someone
your size, go ahead and tell me."
The girl started out,
"Well... let's see... there's a picture of my brother's girlfriend, a
ticket from the dry cleaners, one of my curls, and a Pizza Hut coupon.
The manager of a glass and window company and advertised
for experienced glaziers. Since a good glass man is hard to
find, he was pleased when a man who called about the job
said he had over 20 years of experience. He asked, "Where
have you worked as a glazier?"
Came the reply, "Dunkin' Donuts."
Halfway home from church, my seven-year-old daughter realized
she'd left her Sunday-school homework behind.  We turned around,
and all the way back, her grandfather and I lectured her on
assuming responsibility for her things.
We waited in the car, and when she emerged from the church,
laughing, her homework was in one hand, and my purse was in
the other.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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