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When I Grow Up

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

*** When I Grow Up ***

When Ruthie's grandson Jordan was 5, he always
told everyone he wanted to be a doctor when he
grew up.  One day, he was running through the
house and ran into the corner of a chair and hurt
his eye. He cried for a while and kept saying,
"Oh no, oh no, now I can't be a doctor when I
grow up."
Ruth assured him he could still be a doctor and
Jordan kept telling her he couldn't.
Finally she asked, "Why can't you be a doctor?"
Holding one hand over his eye, Jordan said,
"Because now I will have to be a pirate!"

:~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~)

*** The Ballet ***
A mother took her six-year old daughter to the ballet. This
was the first time the little girl had ever seen a ballet
and she watched wide-eyed as the ballerinas pranced around
the stage on their toes. When the ballet was over, the
mother asked her daughter if she had any questions.

"Yes, Mommy," the little girl replied, "Wouldn't it be
easier if they just hired taller dancers?"

:~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~):~) :~) :~)
*** Stolen Wig ***
While my friend was working as a receptionist for an
eye surgeon, a very angry woman stormed up to her
desk.. "Someone stole my wig while I was having
surgery yesterday," she complained.

The doctor came out and tried to calm her down. "I
assure you that no one on my staff would have done
such a thing," he said. "Why do you think it was taken

"After the operation, I noticed the wig I was wearing
was cheap-looking and ugly."

"I think" explained the surgeon gently, "that means
your cataract operation was a success."

:~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~) :~)
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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