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Where are we?

Posted by: <@...>

Two tourists were driving through Wisconsin. As they were approaching
Oconomowoc, they started arguing about the pronunciation of the town's

They argued back and forth until they stopped for lunch.

As they stood at the counter, one tourist asked the blonde employee.
"Before we order, could you please settle an argument for us? Would you
please pronounce where we are...very slowly?"

The blonde girl leaned over the counter and said, "Burrrrrr, gerrrrrr,


The Impact of Surgery

The doctor finished his examination and told the patient to get dressed
and to come into his office.

"Sit down, Mr. Kaysen. After looking at these test results, I recommend
that you have an operation immediately."

The man thought for a moment, "How will this effect my hobby, Doctor?"

"What's your hobby?"

"Saving money!"