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Where Would Men Be Without Women

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Where Would Men Be Without Women

A women's lib speaker was addressing a large group
and said, "Where would man be today if it were not for woman?"

She paused a moment and looked around the room.

"I repeat, where would man be today if it were not for woman?"

From the back of the room came a voice, "He'd be in the
Garden of Eden eating strawberries."


This Little Piggy

When my wife quit work to take care
of our new baby daughter, countless hours
of peek-a-boo and other games slowly took their toll.
One evening, she banged her bare toes on the corner
of a dresser and, grabbing her foot, sank to the floor.

I rushed to her side and asked where it hurt.

She looked at me through tear-filled eyes and managed
to moan, "It's the piggy that ate roast beef."



My husband and I were out at lunch one day, and we could
hear the family in the booth behind us talking. The woman said,
"People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

The little girl who was with them quickly said, "Yeah, and they should
get dressed in the basement."

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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