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Which Company

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Which Company

A professor was giving a lecture on company slogans in a
college advertising and marketing class.

"Joe," he asked, "which company has the slogan, 'Come fly
the friendly skies'?"

"United." Joe answered.

"Brenda, can you tell me which company has the slogan,
"Don't leave home without it?"

Brenda answered the correct credit card company with no

"Now John, Tell me which company uses the slogan, 'Just
do it'?"

And John answered, "Mom."

Sunday Service

The pastor was known for the clarity and brevity of his sermons. His
talks were well organized and always ended promptly at 20 minutes.
One Sunday, he seemed to wander and drift around a bit and was still
preaching to the congregation after 35 minutes. His wife managed a
small signal, which fortunately he recognized as a sign he should come
to a close.
When they got home after the service, the wife asked the pastor why he
got so muddled and why he went on speaking so long.
He answered, "Well, I've gotten into the habit of tucking a lozenge in
my mouth before I stand to speak. When the lozenge has dissolved, I know
it is time to stop. This morning, unfortunately I picked up a collar
button instead of a lozenge."

Hospital Trip

A young boy of four was going into the hospital to have his tonsils removed. He told his playmate that he'd be gone for a while to have surgery.

On the day he was admitted, his mother asked the doctor privately if he could also please circumcise her boy while he is asleep.

The doctor agreed. The boy woke up and was very sore down there for several days.

After about a week he got to see his playmate again. The playmate informed him that he was also going to have to have his tonsils out soon. He asked him to tell him about the surgery.

The little boy replied 'all I can tell you is your tonsils ain't where you think they are.'

Have A Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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