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Why Are Wedding Dresses White Friday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Why Are Wedding Dresses White"
A fresh-faced lad on the eve of his wedding night
goes to his mother with the following question:
"Mom, why are wedding dresses white?"
The mother looks at her son and replies, "Son,
this shows the town that your bride is pure."
The son thanks his mom and goes off to double-
check this with his father. "Dad why are wedding
dresses white?"
The father looks at his son in surprise and says,
"Son, all household appliances come in white."

"Proposal Condition"
Kurt was going out with a nice girl and finally popped the question. "Will you marry me, darling?" he asked.
Lisa smiled coyly and said, "Yes, if you'll buy me a mink."
Kurt thought for a moment and then replied, "Okay, it's a deal, on one condition."
"What is that?" Lisa asked.
"You'll have to clean the cage," Kurt replied.
"Jock in Trouble"
Jock finds himself in dire trouble. His business has gone bust and he's in serious financial problems. He's so desperate that he decides to ask God for help. "God, please help me. Ah've lost ma wee store and if Ah dinna get some money, Ah'm going to lose my hoose too. Please let me win the lottery!"
Lottery night! Someone else wins... Jock prays again. "God, please let me win the lottery! Ah've lost my wee store, ma hoose and Ah'm going to lose ma car as weel!" Lottery night again! Still no luck.
Jock prays again: "Ah've lost ma business, ma hoose and ma car. Ma bairns are starving. Ah dinna often ask Ye for help and Ah have always been a good servant to Ye. PLEASE just let me win the lottery this one time so Ah can get back on ma feet!"
Suddenly there is a blinding flash as the heavens open and the voice of God Himself thunders: "Jock at least meet Me half way and buy a ticket!"
Have a Blessed Weekend
Dave and Barbara
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