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Word for Today, 1 March 2008: Heartlight

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Longtime readers of Word for Today will remember that I have used Phil Ware's
Heartlight Daily Verse in the past as a source of a short daily devotional.

For me, personally, I have been using the Dailyway 2008 Daily Bible Reading
Calendar, which my church handed out. The theme for our local church this
year is "Sound the Word", taken from 1 Thessalonians 1:8: For from you
sounded out the word of the Lord, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also
in every place your faith to God-ward is spread abroad; so we need not to
speak anything. (KJV).

The Dailyway Bible Web site is
in case you decide to begin or renew daily Bible reading.

Heartlight takes a different approach. Instead of reading a lot of scripture
there are a few short verses, a short discussion to think about the verse,
followed by a short prayer.

Systematic Bible study is a good thing and if you can take the time, the more
you know the entire Bible the better. It is better to at least read some of
the Word rather than none at all, so when you just can't squeeze in the time,
something to keep the Word in your heart is good - but then, when you do get
a few moments, consider reassessing your priorities so that you can make time
every day, no matter where you happen to be, to be in God's Word. After all,
God is with you this very moment.

Yours in Christ,

Heartlight Daily Verse 3/1
March 1

Psalm 73:25-26
Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My
flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my
portion forever.

Thoughts on today's verse

What can truly fulfill and sustain us? Maybe the best way to answer that
question is by asking another: What can we keep when our bodies are placed
silently in their graves at death? Only our relationship with God and his
people last beyond the grave. If he is what lasts, then how can we displace
him for anything that doesn't?


Mighty Yahweh, Strength of Israel, Keeper of the Covenant and Fulfillment
Maker of every prophecy--you are my hope, my strength, and my future. I live
this day in wide-open amazement that the Keeper of the Universe knows my
name, hears my voice, and cares for me. Thank you for being my past, my
present, and my future, the Great I Am. Through my Savior, I pray. Amen.

Heartlight Daily Verse Would you like your own copy of this devotional?
Brian Masinick