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Word for Today, (a day late), Tue, 11 Jun 2002: We May Have Life!

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today's message is an excerpt from Karen Weber's daily Christian
Thought for the Day Email message. Karen also makes the messages
available from her Web site,

There are so many things that seek to deprive us of all the
richness of life. We get caught up in our work, we get our minds
set that certain things should happen, and when things don't go
the way we thought in our minds, we get upset.

Yet even in the midst of difficulties, it is possible to take on
a completely different attitude. It's a foreign idea to so many
of us, even many of us who profess to be Christians, yet the
Gospel account tells us that Jesus Christ came to give us a full
life - not one free of troubles, but one in which we can be freed
from the anxiety over our struggles and difficulties.

Jesus Christ Himself reminds us not to be anxious, but instead
think about the things of God. If you've forgotten that message,
read the Sermon on the Mount again (Matthew 5-7). It's there,
as plain as can be.

The apostle Paul "got it". He was imprisoned while he wrote most
of his letters (called Epistles) that dominate the New
Testament portion of the Bible. Yet, time and time again, he
tells us to rejoice, don't worry or be anxious about anything,
but instead look to Christ, and eagerly await the fullness of His
promise, while faithfully and joyfully continuing the work, which
we've been given by God to do.

Can we really think about such things and make them a priority in
our lives? I'm convinced that as we do so, our own lives are
enriched, those around us can see evidence of Christ at work in
our lives, and as a result, the Name of the Lord receives the
glory that God deserves. Is that ample motivation for each of
us? We benefit, God benefits, and God's purpose for our lives is

Your Brother in Christ,

Quote: Life, even in the hardest times, is full of moments to
savor. They will not come this way again, not in this way.
Capturing the richness of the present moment celebrates the
richness of belonging to Christ.

Paula Rinehart is as a clinical social worker and serves on the
staff of the Navigator ministry. send quote as postcard

Source: "Living in the Present Tense" by Paula Rinehart.
Discipleship Journal, Jan/Feb 1999.

Verse: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have
come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John

Prayer: Dear Lord, do not let me give in to depression and
fear. Put a hedge around my mind and ward off all attacks by
the thief. Show me the richness of life that you want to
bless me with today. Amen.

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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