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Word for Today, Advent Weekend Edition

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Since I have been writing so much recently about preparing our hearts
for Christ in the season for preparation, Advent, I thought that this
article would be fitting to include in that discussion.

For some of you, this may not be a season of joy because it reminds
you of something particularly difficult. I can appreciate that, and
I can remember difficult moments myself during this very time. Still,
I encourage you to think, not about the difficulties, but dwell on
Christ Himself.

I tell you, it is certainly not the shopping and all the celebrating
that brings me joy in this season. Yes, I enjoy celebrations, and
I especially enjoy seeing the excitement in the eyes of the children,
as well as the children at heart. I will personally be spending some
time this weekend, away with my family to share with other family
members. All of these things are fine, but for me, they will never
replace the deep, inner joy I have, knowing that I am at peace with God.

As you may recall, it is the candle of peace that we light on one of
the weeks of the Advent Season, to remind us of the peace that Christ
brings. This week, the candle of joy is a symbol that I love to talk
about. You see, for me, when I realize that a freedom I have in
Jesus Christ, no longer bound by my old ways of thinking and acting,
I am "Free at last..." Some of you may remember those words coming
from the late Dr. Martin Luther King. Well my friends, if you know
anything about that man, you will know that he was not merely a social
rebel or a civil rights activist, he mostly spoke about liberation of
the mind and the soul. That's the REAL reason why he spoke, "Free at
last, Free at last, Praise God Almighty, *I'm* free at last!"

You see, he was talking about the same freedom that I am talking about,
and the same joy the writer below talks about, the wonderful, matchless
love of Jesus. Thinking about His love is an Advent for my heart, any

Brother Brian

The Third Sunday in Advent (Gaudete Sunday, i.e. Rejoice)

Advent Wreath - Candle of Joy - Today we light the third candle
of Advent, the candle of Joy or Shepherds. Jesus' birth brought
joy to the shepherds in the field that night. In the almost 2000
years since, He has brought joy to the hearts of millions of
people. Let the light of joy shine forth from us to all those in
need of God's message of truth and peace.

Nativity Scene - The Story of the Shepherds Place the shepherds
and animals in the stable. Read the following scripture verses:
Luke 2:8-18 - 2:20.

There was once a man who didn't believe in the incarnation or the
spiritual meaning of Christmas; and was skeptical about God. He
and his family lived in a farm community. His wife was a devout
believer and diligently raised her children in her faith. He
sometimes gave her a hard time about her faith and mocked her
religious observance of Christmas.

One snowy Christmas eve she was taking the kids to the Christmas
eve service at church. She pleaded with him to come; but he
firmly refused. He ridiculed the idea of the incarnation of
Christ and dismissed it as nonsense. "Why would God lower
himself and become a human like us?! It's such a ridiculous
story!" he said. So she and the children left for church while
he stayed home.

After they left; the winds grew stronger and the snow turned into
a blizzard. As he looked out the window; all he saw was a
blinding snowstorm. He sat down to relax before the fire for the
evening. Then he heard a loud thump; something hitting against
the window. And another thump. He looked outside but couldn't
see. So he ventured outside to see. In the field near his house
he saw; of all the stangest things; a flock of geese! They were
apparently flying to look for a warmer area down south; but got
caught in the snow storm. The snow had become too blinding and
violent for the geese to fly or see their way. They were lost
and stranded on his farm; with no food or shelter. They just
fluttered their wings and flew around in circles around the field
blindly and aimlessly. He had compassion for them and wanted to
help them. He thought to himself; "The barn would be a great
place for them to stay! It's warm and safe; surely they could
spend the night and wait out the storm." So he walked over to the
barn and opened the barn doors for them. He waited; watching
them; hoping they would notice the open barn and go inside. But
they just fluttered around aimlessly and didn't notice the barn
or realize what it could mean for them. He moved closer toward
them to get their attention; but they just moved away from him
out of fear. He went into the house and came back out with some
bread; broke it up; and made a bread trail leading to the barn.
They still didn't catch on.

Starting to get frustrated; he went over and tried to shoo them;
run after them; and chase them toward the barn. They only got
scared and scattered into every direction except toward the barn.
Nothing he did could get them to go into the barn where there was
warmth; safety; and shelter. Feeling totally frustrated; he
exclaimed; "Why don't they follow me! Can't they see this is the
only place where they can survive the storm! How can I possibly
get them into the one place to save them!" He thought for a
moment and realized that they just won't follow a human. He said
to himself; "How can I possibly save them? The only way would be
for me to become like those geese. If only I could become like
one of them! Then I could save them! They would follow me and I
would lead them to safety."

He stood silently for a moment as the words that he just said
reverberated back to himself in his mind: "If only I could become
like one of them -- then I could save them." He thought about his
words; and remembered what he said to his wife: "Why would God
want to be like us? That's so ridiculous!" Something clicked in
his mind as he put these two together. It was like a revelation;
and he began to understand the incarnation. We were like the
geese -- blind; gone astray; perishing. God became like us so He
could show us the way and make a way available to save us. That
is the meaning of Christmas; he realized in his heart. As the
winds and blinding snow abated; his heart became quiet and
pondered this thought. He understood what Christmas was all
about. He knew why Christ had come. Suddenly years of doubt and
disbelief were shattered; as he humbly and tearfully bowed down
in the snow; and embraced the true meaning of Christmas.

- Unknown

- J.E. Janesville, WI USA

At this time of year; I have always marveled at the grace of God
to send Himself in the Son to that lonely and lowly birthplace in
Bethlehem. As we marvel at the love showed to us may we all who
call Jesus Lord of our lives; share His love and sacrifice in
coming to die on the cross and rising so that we may be forgiven
of our sins; to the lost around us not only this time of year but
may it motivate us all 365 days of the year. Merry Christmas!

- R.W.S Centreville, Nova Scotia CANADA

Food for Thought

Got Lights? "There was something peaceful and intriguing about
that shimmering star that made me reflect on what the wise men
might have visualized many years ago." Marilyn Hershey writes
about life in the country from her home in Southeastern

An Angel Tree Story Tonight's Touched by an Angel will tell the
story of a child sponsored by Angel Tree as Roma Downey ministers
to the son of a prisoner. Chuck Colson relays how this story of
faith came to be featured on a major television network.

Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other,
for love covers a multitude of sins. Cheerfully share your home
with those who need a meal or a place to stay. -- 1 Peter 4:8-9

"And the angel said to them; "Do not be afraid; for behold; I
bring you good news of a great joy which shall be to all people;
for today in the city of David there has been born for you a
Savior; who is Christ the Lord." -- Luke 2:10-11 (NASV)

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Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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