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Word for Today EXTRA: the transforming power

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

I have an extra message to send to you for the weekend. It comes
from the Gleanings From The Word series published by Kevin Corbin
and his ministry. The message is about a girl who had every
reason to be bitter, yet her life was a glowing example of what
the transforming power of the grace of God can do in a person's

Your Brother in Christ,

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Gleanings From The Word
Experience an extraordinary God in ordinary Life
Issue 587 August 23, 2002 Shannon's Story

I'm going to do something a little different this morning. I'm
going to share with you a letter I received (I've been given
permission to do so).

I wanted to email and let you know how much your email
newsletters meant to my adopted daughter, Shannon.

Shannon came into our lives 4 years ago, an abused teenager. When
it was discovered she had cancer we filed for adoption. She had
lost both her parent, her mother was shot in front of Shannon by
muggers and her father committed suicide when he learned Shannon
had turned him in for raping her and fathering her twin
daughters. With no other relatives in this country adoption was
no problem. She was born in Ireland but the family she had there
wanted nothing to do with her.

Shannon was a beautiful child with a heart to match.

She was a brillient child who loved reading and writing
poetry. She always found good in people. When the World Trade
Center was attacked she decided she needed to pray for Mr Bin
Laden. She said it was a hate the sin, love the sinner issue. I
am not a Christian but I did admire and envy her belief. For your
own record, her full name was Shannon Lynn Kelly.

She played the harp and flute and was a 2nd degree black belt in
karate. She passed the college entrance exam at the age of 15 but
chose to stay at her grade level because she didnt want her
friends to think she was showing off.

When she would go for her chemo she would take a roll of smiley
face stickers that said smile God loves you. Every person at the
treatment center had one plopped on their forehead. She went to a
local nursing home to play games or just talk to the
residents. She had received a scholarship to a local university
as a pre med student. She had such a bright future.

In April we learned her only hope was a lung transplant. She was
so ill by this time she wasnt able to go to church. It was around
this time she signed up for your newsletter. Every morning she
would get on the computer and look for your email. She would call
me into her room and try to explain them to me.

In June she graduated from high school but was not able to attend
the ceremony. Her health was failing rapidly. Finally in July we
received the call a lung was available. When she went into
surgery she knew I was a wreck so she sang Amazing Grace all the
way down the hall.

She often told us and many of her internet groups that when she
died she would be with Jesus. Shannon received her transplant and
seemed to be doing well. Then she went into rejection. We were
called to the hospital early morning July 15. Her organs were
shutting down and she knew her time was up.

She told us the angels were there for her. We held her, sang with
her and she prayed for us. Shortly after noon she looked up,
smiled, and said yes I'm ready and she stepped into eternity. My
beautiful little Shannon died at the aqe of 17.

Thank you so much for making her days a little
brighter. Roseanne.

I'm not sharing this story as a testimony as to how God uses this
ministry. It is a testimony of the awesome transforming power of
Jesus Christ.

He took a young girl, who had been through more than most of us
can concieve of, a girl who had ever right to be angry, bitter
and hate filled. A girl who had every reason to give up and have
a victim mentality. He transformed that girl into an example of
what love and grace are.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one
comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you
would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and
have seen him." John 14:6-7 NIV

Now you have seen Him. You've seen Him in the transformed life of
a young girl.

This is the Jesus I gave my life to. Not some form of empty
religion or vain hope, but a living, loving, transforming God.

Be blessed

Hallelu Yah


Do you know the God who can changes like Shannon's? Do you know
the God who can transform all the brokenness in your life?

If you haven't made the decision to accept Christ, or don't know
what I mean when I say this, email me and I'll share some Bible
verses that explain why a personal relationship with Jesus is so
important and a prayer that will make it possible.

Or simply begin the relationship by saying a prayer along the
lines of:


I have made many mistakes in my life and done things I am not
proud of. I need your love and forgiveness. I believe that you
came into this world and gave your life on a cross to pay for my
sins and that you defeated death and rose again. Please forgive
me, and be the Lord of my life. I give my life to you Lord.


If you pray this prayer for the first time let me know so I can
rejoice with you.

Did you know that at Gleanings, we have a dedicated team of
prayer warriors and all prayer concerns are kept strictly
confidential? Your comments, your questions and your joys are
shared with the prayer team, to keep me accountable as the head
of the ministry and to encourage them as they see God at work in
your life. As with prayer all these things are kept confidential
within the Gleanings team. To share your prayer concerns and
praise reports email us

If you enjoyed this issue of Gleanings From The Word, email it,
in its entirety, to a friend. For information on use of Gleanings
in your church newsletter or other situations please visit the
permissions page on our Website.

Archived issues of Gleanings From The Word can be found on our
web site

You can write to us at

Gleanings From The Word Ministries International
114 Oak St
Sherwood Park, AB
T8A 0V8

@ 2002 K.F. "Kevin" Corbin

Gleanings From The Word Ministries International

All Rights Reserved.

Brian Masinick,
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