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Word for Today, Fri, 02 Feb 2001: A Seed of Kindness

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

This is a good message for all of us to think about often. I
think it is our relationships that either bring much happiness
and joy or make us miserable. What's interesting is that the
Bible offers us every piece of information we need to know about
living the kind of lives that will bring us happiness and

Ultimately, it is not our day to day relationships with one
another, but our relationship with God that matters most. I
believe that when we first cultivate that relationship with our
Creator, He then fills us with a spirit that enables us to go
forth into a hostile world and be decidedly different. Of
course, being human and subject to messing up, we often fall
short of the ideal. But that, too, factors into the equation.
For the grace of God is able to work within our frailties. For
it is when we are weak (and acknowledge it) that the power of God
is able to transform our hopeless situations into something
beautiful. Doesn't that sound like Good News? It sure does to

Dear Lord,

Please draw me close to You today in everything that I think,
say, and do. As Your Spirit is alive within me, transform my
mind into a useful vessel, that You can use to make a difference
in the lives of people around me. Help me to be especially kind
and patient to my family and the people I work with. It is
hardest to keep my composure in those places, for that is where
the majority of my days are spent. So guide me throughout the
day, that I may love those around me and be a help and
encouragement to others, wherever I go.

Brother Brian Subject: [WFT] Thu 01 Feb 01 - A seed of kindness

WORD FOR TODAY with Bob Gass - Thursday 1st February 2001

A seed of kindness



One winter night, an old couple dashed into the lobby of a small
Philadelphia hotel, hoping for a room. But the clerk said, "All
the rooms are full." As they started to leave he said, "Would you
be willing to sleep in my room? It's not a suite, but I think
you'll be comfortable." At first they were reluctant, but he
insisted, "Don't worry, I can sleep in the office." So they
accepted. The next morning, when it was time to check out, the
old gentleman said to the clerk, "Thank you; you should be the
manager of the best hotel in the country. Maybe some day I'll
build one for you." The clerk was amused, smiled and thanked him.
Two years later, the clerk received a round-trip ticket to New
York City and a letter thanking him again for his kindness. The
old couple were inviting him to come and visit them. Although
he'd forgotten the incident, he decided to accept their offer.
When he arrived in New York City, they took him to the corner of
34th Street and 5th Avenue. "That," said the elderly gentleman,
pointing to a magnificent skyscraper, "is the hotel I have just
built for you to manage." The clerk said, "You must be joking."
"I can assure you I'm not," he said. The old gentleman's name was
William Waldorf Astor. The hotel was the original
Waldorf-Astoria. The young clerk was George C. Bolt - its first
manager. Don't forget to sow another seed of kindness today, for
you can never tell what your harvest will be.

(c) Bob Gass Ministries 2001 (used by permission)

Printed copies of "The Word for Today" are available free from
UCB, PO Box 255, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 8YY, England.

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is given to churches and Christian organisations to copy up to a
maximum of 52 daily excerpts per year. Such excerpts must
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