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Word for Today, Fri, 04 Nov 2005: "What should I do to be saved?"

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Word for Today, Fri, 04 Nov 2005: "What should I do to be saved?"
Dear friends,

In the fourth part of his series on the "Success to Significance",
Larry Davies tells the story of a boy named Rodney, who asks the very
important question, "What should I do to be saved?"

I have heard of people, from time to time, who have feared "The Wrath
of God" or being "Left Behind". I can tell you this much, if you were
"Left Behind", unlike the popular novel series, it would be too late.
In the fictional story, "Left Behind", a small group of people find
Christ after their families and friends have disappeared "up into the
air" to be with Christ.

The Bible records a different story. Some have already entered into
their rest, and are awaiting the time of Christ. When Christ returns,
they will awaken from their rest and meet those called by Christ - in
the air. The dead in Christ will rise and those who are called by His
Name will be changed in a moment.

That glorious day is available to every single one of us, and there is
no sensible reason why anyone reading this list cannot be a part of
it. However, you must "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ". "29 The
jailer called for lights, rushed in and fell trembling before Paul and
Silas. 30 He then brought them out and asked, "Sirs, what must I do to
be saved?"

31 They replied, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved --
you and your household." (Acts 16:29-31, NIV).

13 for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
(Romans 10:13, NIV).

There you have it. Believe in your heart, confess with your mouth
what you believe in your heart, that Jesus gave His life as a perfect
sacrifice, paying the price for our sin. Because He gave His life, He
redeemed our lives. All we have to do is believe this, and in
believing, we are redeemed. It is that simple.

Many will not believe, however, thinking there is somehow more to it
than that. They will be the ones who miss that glory train. Don't be
one of them; trust in Christ as your complete source of hope, the
breath of life, the bread of life, the very essence of being.

Yours in Christ,


Sowing Seeds of Faith...

To read all four parts of "Success to Significance" click here:

From: ann []
I would just like to share with you that last week I put a prayer
request in for a friends daughter, Audrey. She was given one year to
live. She has cancer. A lot of people sent me prayers and I printed
them out and gave them to her mom. Her mom phoned me and said, "she
was sent for on Tuesday as they believed Audrey was about to die due
to internal bleeding. They sat with her and on Thursday she was
alright, sitting up and laughing. Her mom was so pleased about all the
prayers, and had a new hope.

I know her from church and she had been going for many years. I asked
her if she had asked Jesus into her life. She said no as she did not
like to do this in church. She was amazed, when I told her that it was
personal between her and Jesus. She could do this in her own home just
her and him. So she is now saved and I tell you this Larry, as many
people who go to church for years don't know Jesus as their
personal savior. I thought maybe you can write a bit about this in
your devotions. Tell them how to pray Jesus into their lives at home
as many think you have to be in front of people in church. Thank you
and God bless you for this site. I have many prayers answered by the
warriors praying for me and my family, so thanks. There is not enough
paper to thank you, lots of love in Christ Jesus and from
Scotland. Ann

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"Rodney and Zacchaeus: Success to Significance" #4 Larry Davies

"Rodney" is not a television show I normally watch but while channel
surfing one night, I noticed the action of the show was taking place
inside a church during worship. Curious, I waited to see what would
happen next. The preacher was pacing the floor, shouting: "you must
straighten up and get right with God now. Because if you don't... do
you know where you're going? Well do you?"

The congregation as one voice began to shout: "Hell!" Where? "Hell!"
What did you say? "Hell!"

Except for poor Rodney who was quietly sinking deeper into the pew
looking more and more... lost. Later that same day, a now panic
stricken Rodney drives to the preacher's house. But the Reverend is
trying to watch a ball game and is obviously annoyed at the
interruption. "Please help me," pleads Rodney. "Don't let my family
go to heaven without me. What should I do to be saved?"

Noticeably annoyed the preacher first says, "Can you come back later?"
Finding that doesn't work, he asks: "You'll do anything?" When Rodney
nods his head, he continues: "You could cut my grass?"

Ouch! Rodney is searching for an answer to one of life's deepest
questions: "What can I do to have a restored relationship with God?
How can I be forgiven my past and receive hope for the future?"

And the preacher, the representative of God's church responds: "You
could cut my grass?"

The same thing happened to Zacchaeus in the Bible: "He was one of the
most influential Jews in the Roman tax-collecting business, and he
became rich. He tried to get a look at Jesus, but he was too short to
see over the crowds. So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree
beside the road, so he could watch from there." (Luke 19:3-4)
Zacchaeus was one of the most hated and despised persons in all of
Jerusalem. Yet when Jesus saw Zacchaeus, He "called him by name,
'Zacchaeus!" he said. "Quick, come down! For I must be a guest in
your home today.'"

To everyone, including church folks Zacchaeus was worse than
Rodney. He was a crook and a traitor yet Jesus took the time to invite
him to lunch. Why? What's the point? Here is the rest of the story:

"Zacchaeus climbed down and took Jesus to his house in great
excitement and joy. But the crowds were displeased. 'He has gone to be
the guest of a notorious sinner,' they grumbled. Meanwhile, Zacchaeus
stood there and said to the Lord, 'I will give half my wealth to the
poor, Lord, and if I have overcharged people on their taxes, I will
give them back four times as much!' Jesus responded, 'Salvation has
come to this home today, for this man has shown himself to be a son of
Abraham. And I, the Son of Man, have come to seek and save those like
him who are lost.' (Luke 19:6-10)

Yes, Zacchaeus was a dishonest thief but he was ready to make serious
changes, yet the church of that day offered nothing but rejection and
scorn. Jesus, however, sensing a changed heart offered the hand of
fellowship and forgiveness. In response, Zacchaeus became a blessed
child of God.

If you are considering making serious changes in your life. Remember,
how Jesus called Zacchaeus by name and offered the hand of forgiveness
and fellowship. He will do the same for you. Then, take a hard look
at the challenge offered in "The Prayer of Jabez" by an unknown Bible
character hidden in First Chronicles 4:9-10. "Oh that you would bless
me indeed and enlarge my territory, that your hand would be with me
and that you would keep me from evil. And God granted him his

Rodney cut the grass for the preacher, then the church grass. He
would have cut anyone's grass if it would help but it wasn't
enough. The preacher then asked Rodney to speak to a group of youth
about sin so he described his own sins... in graphic detail. The
parents were horrified, the pastor was angry, the church was ready to
throw him out and poor Rodney was humiliated and more confused than

Finally, the preacher pulled him aside and rather than scold Rodney,
he pleaded: "Can you please forgive me? You came looking for help and
instead of listening, I gave you meaningless chores. Let's go to
lunch and talk about how to have a real relationship with God and what
you can do next."

To read all four parts of "Success to Significance" click here:

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