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Word for Today, Fri, 1 Dec 2000: Including Prayer in our Everyday Lif

Posted by: masinick <masinick@...>

Dear friends,

Today, I would like to close out the week by sharing a prayer
list with you. This prayer list is very typical of the things
you will find in your own community: people with cancer asking
for prayer, infidelity in a family, various kinds of illnesses,
but also prayers of thanksgiving. We all need prayers for
various reasons. I would speculate, with good cause, that each
of the concerns mentioned here are concerns right within our
community; I know that they are in my community. Please pray for
those on this list, as well as for those you know who are in need
today. God really wants to hear from each one of us.

I want to remember to pray for our country and our leaders, too.
It is not easy to decide the right way to run our country. There
are different approaches. No single approach is right 100% of
the time. Our leaders need our prayers, whether we agree with
them personally or not.

I encourage you to take a fresh look at the things around you,
and see if there is something marvelous to observe, even in the
ordinary tasks that surround you, or in the chaos of the noise
clammoring about. It could be something right there, or it could
be something quiet and peaceful. I know that for me, personally,
I find a great peace in knowing that God has a purpose for my
life, that I am deeply loved, fully accepted, and completely
forgiven, in spite of my past attitudes and actions. What a
freedom that gives me! I no longer have to be ruled by a fear of
failure, rejection, punishment, or a sense of hopelessness.
Because of what Jesus Christ did for me, in obedience to His
Father - God, I have peace! What joy! What thanksgiving I now

Brother Brian

From: "Sowing Seeds Ministry" <>

Subject: Sowing Seeds Ministry Prayer Needs from Around the World
December 1, 2000

One word would describe the needs this week: miracle. Many are
seeking and praying for a miracle for healing physically or
emotionally. Several did not even leave a name or an address. Two
are contemplating suicide. One is blind seeking sight. Others are
facing cancer treatments. One is considering an abortion. Several
have marital problems. Please join me and take a few moments to
lift them up in prayer. I hope this Psalm will help you. May God
bless you today for all that you do and for the special child of
God you have become. Larry

Psalms 95:1 through Psalms 95:7
1 Come, let us sing to the LORD!
Let us give a joyous shout to the rock of our salvation!
2 Let us come before him with thanksgiving.
Let us sing him psalms of praise.
3 For the LORD is a great God,
the great King above all gods.
4 He owns the depths of the earth,
and even the mightiest mountains are his.
5 The sea belongs to him, for he made it.
His hands formed the dry land, too.
6 Come, let us worship and bow down.
Let us kneel before the LORD our maker,
7 for he is our God.
We are the people he watches over,
the sheep under his care.
Oh, that you would listen to his voice today!

David Hawthorne and family for special and continuing needs.


Linda Marsh Akers for surgery recovery and that cancer will not

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I can't do this anymore will God forgive me: I hope so.

Name: L.Bowens
Address: Las Vegas
PrayerTeam: yes
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Thank you to all the people who reached out in prayer to me and
my family. I was touched and truly the act in itself brought
about blessings in my life. I am so happy I found this site it
has already been a great encouragement to me and my family. May
God Bless you all and Keep praying and believing in Gods

-----Original Message----------------------------------------------------------
From: Alison H. Gibbs []
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 5:26 AM
Subject: Prayer need

Larry, Hi, I hope this finds you well. My family has a prayer
need. My grandmother Julia Harding is very ill and in Southside
Hospital in Farmville. She has fluid around her heart and the
hospital is having difficulty removing the fluid. She has to
start dialysis today on her kidneys and this is a very risky
procedure for her because her heart is so weak. Any prayers would
be greatly appreciated. Take Care! Alison H. Gibbs

-----Original Message----------------------------------------------------------
From: Brad Wike []
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 7:40 AM
To: Sowing Seeds Ministry
Subject: Re: Sowing Seeds Prayer Needs Around the World -- November 10, 2000

Hi Larry, It appears that Kathy's (wife) cancer is back in her
brain and the treatment options are pretty gruesome. I don't
think that she will agree to it as the treatment will only extend
life for a few months and is very dangerous. God Bless, Brad

Name: Lane
Address: Denver
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Comments: Dear Larry, I am a former minister who is recently
divorced, I would ask that you pray for my two children: Lauren
and Chandler, that God would heal them and break the cycle of
dysfunction that they might be headed towards.

Name: Bonnie
Address: Alabama
PrayerTeam: I already receieve
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Comments: Please pray for my daughter and her husband. and for my
grandson. jobs and healing. God knows their many problems and
needs. Please call their names to God..Angela and Keith and

Name: Kelly
Address: CA
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Comments: This is a prayer for my best friend. I am praying for
her already. But i would appreciate prays for her from
others. She is going through a lot of pain right now. She is
still in love with a past love she had, which was about 5 months
ago. It really hurts her because this person is dating another,
and they are deeply in love and she doesn't want to wreak their
relationship because of her being in love with this person.(she
is very close to both persons) Another problem she has is an
addiction, to taking numerous pills not knowing what they are to
ease the pain she has. She has been depressed and unable to
cry. I just pray for her, because I hate her having the feelings
of depression because I know exactly how it feels. So if you
could please pray for her, it would be immensely
appreciated. Thank you and God Bless all.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 2:37 PM
Subject: Prayer request!

Please pray for a friend of mine, Maureen, who has just found out
that she has cancer. The cancer has spread into her spine, lungs,
glands and brain. She is taking radiation and will begin chemo
this week. Also, pray that the Lord will give me the words to say
to her to help her at this time. Love In Christ, Joyce

visit my home page:

Name: stephanie
Address: louisville,ky
PrayerTeam: yes
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Comments: dear sir im writting to you to pray for me im about to
have a abortion thursday,im a single mom i already have a 4 year
old daughter i dont make much money and i cant afford another
baby.but the biggest reason is it is by a black man ive never
dated black men it was a mistake,and if i have this baby my
family would never speak to me again.i know this is so selfish
but i hope the lord will forgive me for my sins please say a
prayer for me...thank you stephanie

Name: Ric Blakeney
Address: Waco Texas
PrayerTeam: no
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Comments: I am legally blind and have been for 15 years. I want
to see again.

Name: Hope
Address: Kentucky
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Comments: I would like to request many prayers for my supervisor
and her husband, Kim and Gene, as well as the rest of their
family. Gene had surgery to remove his gall bladder yesterday,
and they also had to remove part of his pancreas, due to finding
cancerous tissue in it. Praise God that he came through the
surgery well, and they believe they have removed all the cancer.
He is in the Critical Care Unit today, on a respirator. However,
it will be a long road to recovery (as I know since my former
husband went through several surgeries for the same type
problems). Please pray for God's strength that Gene, Kim and
their family will need to get them through this very stressful
and heartwrenching time. Pray that God will use this difficult
time in their lives to draw them closer to each other and to Him.
Thank you in advance for you love and willingness to pray for all
of God's children!

Address: NC

Comments: Pray for me please. I am feeling defeated because I
have had a fight with my husband of 13 years and for the last two
nights he has been non talkative and sleeping in the other
room. I am to blame for the start of this cause I made him feel
like I undermined his authority with my daughter and I did not
mean it that way. Then my daughtr found the note I threw away in
the trash and copied it over which made it worse. I am now alone
at home with no one to talk to and very sad. Please pray for
me. I am not suicidal but just very defeated. -E-

Brian Masinick, "The Mas",
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